I have a Aiptasia what's so bad about them?


I found a Aiptasia on a live rock I have in my tank (I've seen pic's and am 99% sure that's what it is I kinda like it, why does everyone want to kill them??? I do have a jawfish & wouldnt want it to get hurt but the only other 2 fish I have are clowns. It's only a 40 gal tank so I'm not going to be able to add much more so the Aiptasia is something else to look at. any suggestions? Thanks


Active Member
As said they can sting and even kill corals and they can multiply like crazy becoming a major issue in a reef full of corals. If you like it, keep it... just keep this in mind.


Once they procreate they are very difficult to control. They thrive where other fish and anemone species might have problems. I let the first aptasia in my tank grow since I thought it was cute, didn't know that I had left the door open for the cavalry to come in....


do you think they will hurt my jawfish?? I dont have any corals, but want to get mushrooms sometime in the next year.


Not that I know of....your fish should be fine...just be wary of proliferation


I don't think they will hurt the jawfish, but if you are like everyone else on this site then you will get hooked pretty quickly and want more than just mushrooms. I would recomend getting rid of them as quickly as you can.
Good luck.


I actually bought a piece of live rock just because it had the aptasia on it. I never had any problem with it stinging fish or other corals. You're only problem like others said is that if you are not careful it will multiply like crazy. I love all the life in my tank, but I have a big problem whenever I can't control something or take something out if i want.


Oh my lord you must be a sooner fan!!! Never heard of anyone buying aptasia on purpose. LOL
Just kiddin!


hey inkman... what's it like losing to those sooners all the time???
sorry man I just couldn't resist.
Yea those weren't my brighter days... about as dumb as actually paying for xenia. I've made quite a few mistakes since I began this hobby...
I do believe an emerald crab will take care of your aptasia if it gets out of hand... I put one in and never had another problem with them.


HA HA. I can take the jokes as long as you realize that every player on your team that is worth a poop is from TEXAS!! J/K I have family that are sooner fans and we have a big party every year for the shoot out. I have gotten waxed for about 5 yrs, but our time is comin. Ditto that with the emerald crabs. Mine even ate some hydroids I had growing.
I can grow some hydroids and sell them to you if you are interested!!! J/K.


OK HE WAS SOMETHING TO LOOK AT!!!!!!!! As everyone said I now have a ton of them in my tank!!!!! I bought an emerald crab last week I'll post again if he controls them. WHAT WAS I THINKING!!!! My brother has a 125gal tank & said he's never had a aiptasia get as big as mine is & it's only about 2 1/2 mos old plus all the BABIES!!!! OMG WHAT WAS I THINKING!!! fingers crossed! I hope the emerald works.
I tried boiling water & thought it worked but they were back the very next day. I may try this again.


Active Member
I've never heard of emeralds eating aiptasia (although anything's possible) peppermint shrimp are known aiptasia eaters, or you can use Joe's Juice. You can also make up a kalkwasser paste and zap them with a syringe full.


Active Member
i just got a peice of lr with one on it too
i just left it but if i start seeing anything wierd im yanking the whole peice out


Staff member
One good thing about them....they kill ich. Thought I'd throw that in just so you didn't think they were all bad.


Active Member
Take a look at this one... just found it a couple nights ago :mad: no idea how it went so long unnoticed.


Originally Posted by theishkid
Yea those weren't my brighter days... about as dumb as actually paying for xenia. I've made quite a few mistakes since I began this hobby...
Okay.. Um... whats wrong with paying for this soft coral xenia?
I actually bought some frags and found a aiptasia -- ended up taking coral with aip on it out, with tank water in a container, using a knife dug out the coral and threw the small 1" rock with aip-- away.
I was told that if I dug him out, it would multiply !


well if your not in a reef you could throw a butterfly fish in to control them infact it should eleminate them completely