I have entirely too many tanks!!!


Originally Posted by petjunkie
I currently only have the one 33 gallon running but i'm starting a 2.5 gallon nano reef added to my cat, iguana, frog, betta (I love that fish, I change out his entire gallon and he's fine!!!) and my two ferrets which demand the most attention after the fish tank. See why I picked my name. Oh and I also run my sister's 10 gallon with goldfish because no one takes care of it so I run over and do water changes on that because I can't stand a dirsy green tank. That's crazy.
Ferrets are awesome. Too bad we weren't responsible enough to keep ours. Other than the tank we have now we have a dog and a cat. In the past we have had two mice, two hamsters, a ferret, and our other cat that was attacked by a pack of wild dogs (we live in the country and alot of people let their dogs run free). I really liked my mice, one was all white execpt for one brown spot by it's tail and had red eyes, the other one was almost all black. I miss them


New Member
At 1 time I had 2-55 gallons, 2-29 gallon, 1-20 gallon, 1-10 gallon, and 1-125 gallon. All salt but for 1 of the 55s. The maintanence on them burnt me and my wife out. Then our tanks starting getting run down and fish started dieing. I started giving tanks away and trading for some things. I lost a lot of money and now I'm down to my 125 and it doesn't even have anything in it right now.


We all have to agree that when you start 1 SW tank you can't finish it....
Is just like the ENERGIZER BUNNY.....It keeps going and going and going........
:joy: :joy: :joy: :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish


I have my 60 reef,90 freshwater aggressive,100 gallon tub snapper turtle, 20L Red Ear Slider tank


Originally Posted by unleashed
ok now Im gonna get out the heavy artilary lol i was gonna count all my pets and pet tanks but here goes
2 dogs
2 cats
3 birds (african grey,sharp tailed conure,cockateil)
2 rats (each in 20 gal tanks)
4 1/2 ft ball pyhton (55 tank)
turtle( 40 gal long tank)
guinna pig(40 gal long tank)
15 gal fw tank
120 reef with 65 gal sump fuge.fuge doubles as a tank
125 6 ft agressive
100 6 ft fowlr
90 gal set up but no fish now soon to be a 300 gal
8 kids 6 grand kids and hubby ( ok 3 kids live at home rest grown and moved out tg)
im not a house keeper im a zoo keeper lol
WOW ! You've got me beat. I house 7 saltwater , 1 freshwater that I want to turn into a plant tank, 3 dogs, 3 cats one of which is a bengal (acts like a fool) 2 pythons and 4 kids. The oldest being 40. (That of course would be man I love but he acts like a child)


New Member
:happyfish God how do you guys keep up.
I have a 55-gallon SW and a 20-gallon FW, 2 dogs (one that I didnt get I got it from my nephew and my sister when she broke up with my nephews dad), soon to a bird, me, my mom and step-dad, my 4 siblings (all out of house), like 7 nephew and neices. How do you do it! :notsure: And I though was a pet person! :joy:


A couple of years ago, I had 9 tanks going at once, 4 FW and 5 SW. It started to become overwhelming so I've gradually reduced the amount of tanks I have. Now it's 1 FW and 2 SW. The odd thing is, that when I had the 9 tanks they were smaller and now my tanks are bigger so I've basically got the same amount of gallons that I had before!
Other pets include a chow/shepard mix (love this dog...soooo smart!), there's a soft shelled turtle in the FW tank, and a canary. My son had two pet rats but they recently died....nice animals BTW for anyone looking for a good pet!


Originally Posted by Rainfishy
I want a big tank and can't seem to get my hands on one!!!!! Every time a big tank is in the local paper I call on it and lose it by a day or couple hours. That paper came out this morning. I called on a 70 gallon at noon and he just called me back that it is sold, and I'm still at work !!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: (I'm on the West Coast) This has happened like 3 times in the past 4 months!! I just need to fork out the dough for a brand new tank and I'm a cheap ass

My 29 gallon reef is absolutely the apple of my eye, but limiting on amount and size of fish.
I want a big tank

too bad your on the west coast, i am buying a 150 gallon today for 100 bucks and the guy also has a 180 gallon for 200 bucks, but the 180 doesn't have hood or stand. i am selling my 75 gallon, just the tank and hood though.


Ha.......... The electric company LOVES us.......... I started up a 30gal reef along with my 55gal reef. When I saw the jump in my electric bill I was checking to see if people were tied into my power. But with no luck. My living room is sucking electricity big time ! Then I also have a 30gal and a 10gal freshwater also.