I have never seen this????



I know the pictures are not the greatest...this just started today. I woke up this morning and noticed a milky white patch on the clowns tail. It looks as if if is just rotting away. Now I am noticing the same on his head. I have never seen anything like this. I have a boxfish, and niger in the tank, and they are both fine. any idea what this might be?



I have only had it for 3 days...bought it online. I drip acclimated it for over three hours, but he never seemed right. The white spot that you see on his tail is now totally rotted away...not even 24 hours later. It does not look like brook to me. I have no idea what this might be.


Active Member
might just be a damaged fin that is rotting, put in a QT with some melafix or maracyn 2 to start, hope for the best, but also contact who you got it from.
EDIT: were the niger and the clown shipped together? maybe it took a bite out of the clown?


no they were not shipped together. Niger was in before. They are all in qt right now, as I am waiting 3 more weeks for them to go back into display (ich). The clown was fine for the 1st day or two can't remember, but then the third day I noticed this white milky spot on the clowns tail. Now that spot has totally rotted away. I also noticed that around his head some little spots are rotting. I am wondering...because he was not moving in the bag when I initially got him.. I did not want to pick him up with a net or cup fearing I would hurt him. Instead I picked him up with my hand and put him in the tank...could it be a reaction to the oil on my hand? The niger doesn't bother anything. I have a tiny cow in the tank as well, and none of them interact with each other at all. they do not even pay attention to the clown at the bottom.


Active Member
i've handled my fish before.
it's probably just some fungus or something. keep an eye on your other fish, as they are exposed as well. but it could just be some damage from shipping or whatever, or from where the fish shipped from.
try using the two meds, they won't hurt the other fish.


Staff member
It could be lymphocyctis. There is info on this in the info threads at the top of this forum.
You will also need to watch it to be sure that you're not dealing with brooklynella.
Check out the topics at the top of this forum.


can I use the meds simultaneously? or should I try one first, and then the other if first is not successful?


Active Member
personally i've had better luck with melafix than maracyn, but melafix STINKS (i guess it's an herbal remedy) like halls throat drops. if you don't think it's brook (as you've stated before), i'd try that first.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
It could be lymphocyctis. There is info on this in the info threads at the top of this forum.
You will also need to watch it to be sure that you're not dealing with brooklynella.
Check out the topics at the top of this forum.

would lympho rot the tail? i thought it just was a topical problem


Originally Posted by renogaw
would lympho rot the tail? i thought it just was a topical problem
Lymph is clumpy growths and would not rot the tail. I am concerned that this clown is developing brooklynella. Fungal infections are very rare if, nonexistant in SW fish. PLEASE, PLEASE pick up some formalin. Brook kills very quickly and is very common with clownfish. Treatment must start immediately if you notice the slime coat peeling at all. A clown's slime coat is thick. The greyish white at the base of the tail may be brooklynella. Is the fin itself damaged? You have other fish in with him. The most docile fish will nibble on a sick fish. Don't think that they won't, it is survival of the fittest.


now the problem appears to be lymphocyctis. The spots are concentrated clumps...around the head, and now a spot on the tail. I have never seen brook that I know of, but it seems to cover the entire body in the pictures. I don't know if these are extreme cases, but it does not appear to be what my clown has. I don't think the other two fish are bothering him. He can hold his own, he is the biggest, is eating anything that comes at him, and seems to move toward the others when they get close, so as to establish his territory. I picked up regular maracyn, as the maracyn 2 seemed to be for popeye, fin rot, and internal infections. I am on day two for treatment. Hopefully he will recover soon.


yeah It was for saltwater...my lfs has two seperate sections for salt and fresh, so as not to confuse. I will try to get a pic tomorrow. I don't know how to do it...the wife won't teach me
I convinced her to let me get my fourth tank this eve, and will be getting another this weekend plus a new puffer, so my credit with her is used up for tonight. My house is not all that big, and there are tanks everywhere...it's rediculous...she is very good to me


Active Member
you know this is strange, i have a had a GSM for almost 2 years now and just monday this week his tail had a tear in it and a circular milky white circle. i was going to take a picture of it but within 24 hours it was pretty much gone, with no rotting. i think it may have been some sort of stress reaction, or a a minor infection of some kind from a wound. anyway mine seems to have faired much better than yours is doing now , and i have done nothing just keeping it in a healthy tank with good params.
sorry if it isnt much of a help just thought id share i had the same thing on the same fish this week.


Originally Posted by usirchchris
now the problem appears to be lymphocyctis. The spots are concentrated clumps...around the head, and now a spot on the tail. I have never seen brook that I know of, but it seems to cover the entire body in the pictures. I don't know if these are extreme cases, but it does not appear to be what my clown has. I don't think the other two fish are bothering him. He can hold his own, he is the biggest, is eating anything that comes at him, and seems to move toward the others when they get close, so as to establish his territory. I picked up regular maracyn, as the maracyn 2 seemed to be for popeye, fin rot, and internal infections. I am on day two for treatment. Hopefully he will recover soon.
The pictures in the FAQ are of severe cases. Maroons are very territorial and will stand their ground if they can. Please get those pics ASAP. I hope it is just lymph, which is easily treated, but I would rather know than hope. I am sure that you would as well.


Renogaw that post was hillarious. Had tears in my eyes I was laughing so hard. Anyways, I will definately get new pics up tomorrow. As of yet the medicine does not appear to be helping. He still just stays in one spot and will not swim, but an inch or so if food is near...getting worried he might not make it.


Have a new development this morning. The white clumps on his head and tail are now all gone...I can now see holes where the clumps were. I don't know if this is good or not? Is this the maracyn working or is whatever was on him reproducing as ich would?


Active Member
i had a pink/blue spotted shrimp goby that lost it's tail to fin rot while in QT before going to the tank. after the crud fell off, the tail started growing again with the help of the maracyn 2. i honestly don't know what you're experiencing, but the fins should grow back with or without medication.