Originally Posted by usirchchris
now the problem appears to be lymphocyctis. The spots are concentrated clumps...around the head, and now a spot on the tail. I have never seen brook that I know of, but it seems to cover the entire body in the pictures. I don't know if these are extreme cases, but it does not appear to be what my clown has. I don't think the other two fish are bothering him. He can hold his own, he is the biggest, is eating anything that comes at him, and seems to move toward the others when they get close, so as to establish his territory. I picked up regular maracyn, as the maracyn 2 seemed to be for popeye, fin rot, and internal infections. I am on day two for treatment. Hopefully he will recover soon.
The pictures in the FAQ are of severe cases. Maroons are very territorial and will stand their ground if they can. Please get those pics ASAP. I hope it is just lymph, which is easily treated, but I would rather know than hope. I am sure that you would as well.