I have some sort of fungus on my rock


One of my live rocks has recently sprouted some sort of fungus.
It looks like a round fungus that you might see on trees. It has two purple ones and three red ones with tiny yellowish spots...unless that's sand on them. They're about the size of dimes right now or smaller. I guess you can compare them to mushrooms but they don't have the classic toadstool shape. They're sort of flat, roundish, with a short stem.
My live rock has actually been 'dead' for a while since I treated my tank with copper over a year ago like a fool. I haven't reseeded with any new live rock yet so I'm not sure what could have sprouted from it. I'll try to get pics later if that helps.


Here it is. I know it's not the best but my camera ran out of battery power and I couldn't use flash. The spots on the red 'fungus' are a little more greenish than yellowish, and all of them seem to have a defined center. It looks like there are 3 violet ones and 5 red ones. They appear to be fairly soft since they sort of flutter with the current.


Active Member
They look like Mushroom corals to me ..... If they are, congrats! Although I've never seen violet ones?
Wait for more responses .... I could be way off here.


defiantely looks like some sort of mushroom coral. are you sure somone didnt buy you something when you werent looking? LOL


I have no idea where they could have come from, but I was sort of leaning in that direction. They seem to have sprouted up over night whatever they are. This is the first day I've noticed them at least.
Maybe they hitch-hiked into my tank on a snail's shell?
I'll try to get some better pics after my battery charges.


Originally Posted by jc74
I have no idea where they could have come from, but I was sort of leaning in that direction. They seem to have sprouted up over night whatever they are. This is the first day I've noticed them at least.
Maybe they hitch-hiked into my tank on a snail's shell?
I'll try to get some better pics after my battery charges.

they grow fast but not that fast LOL and if they came in on a snail shell they wouldnt all be on the same rock.


Originally Posted by MichaelTX
they grow fast but not that fast LOL and if they came in on a snail shell they wouldnt all be on the same rock.
Any idea what else it could be? I'm not exactly sure how long they've been there.
I just looked up some pics of of mushroom coral on this site, and it appears that's what they are. They have the same shape as some I saw with that little 'dot' in the center.
It is odd that they're all on the same rock, and they're two different colors. I also have a maxijet pump shooting on that rock......


see if you can get a better shot of them but from what I see in the picture you posted I still think they are mushroom corals. which honestly sometimes pop up on the rocks but not that many as fast as what you are making me think.
see if you can get better shots of them. which way where the pictures shot from the top down. if so try going through the glass at them and see if that help in getting a better picture.


I just snapped these. I'm not sure if I can do any better with this camera. The violet ones (they look more blue in the pics) seem to have iridescent qualities with different shades of colors here and there.



someone * if you havent* has added this to your tank. all those mushrooms are all on small frag plugs glued down to another rock. also the coloration of the rock compared to all the surounding rocks say it a newly added rock to your tank.
but they are mushroom corals 2 different types there.


I assure you that no one added this to my tank. Most of the LR on top of the 'cave' looks newer because my recently purchased turbos are working on them first, so they don't look as dingy.
I did get an order from this site yesterday and my brother added it to the tank. It was a firefish, queen conch, three emerald crabs, a fire shrimp, a cleaner shrimp, and fifty hermit shells. I just asked him about it and he claims he didn't add them. I didn't order any corals.
I don't get it. It does seem odd that they're only on one rock, two different types. Maybe that rock had mushrooms long ago and for some strange reason they decided to sprout?
This is going to drive me crazy now. I hope someone can come up with a logical answer to this. I have no reason to make this up if that's what you're thinking.
Anyway, do I need to get anything special to care for them, or do they only need light?


Originally Posted by MichaelTX
someone * if you havent* has added this to your tank. all those mushrooms are all on small frag plugs glued down to another rock. also the coloration of the rock compared to all the surounding rocks say it a newly added rock to your tank.
but they are mushroom corals 2 different types there.
Yeup somebodies got some splainen to do


they are a lower light coral some will eat meaty foods other live just off the light.
but I am telling you adding a conch and emerald crabs are not going to clean that one rock that good in that short of a time and leave all the rocks around it.
I still say that rock is a new addition to the tank. i think your brother may be playing a trick on you to see if he make you go nuts! LOL


Actually I've had the turbos, 9 emeralds, 10 hermits, and other conch for a couple months now, and they've been working on the rocks. If you look at the tank as a whole, all the live rocks on the top of the main rock are sparkling clean. It must be the good stuff.
I'm going to have a talk with bro when he gets home. I just lifted up the rock that the mushrooms are on, and there's a bit of algae underneath.

I don't know why he'd lie about it, and I don't know why this site would send me corals that I didn't order. It makes no sense. What if my tank wasn't reef safe?
I'll get to the bottom of this.....hopefully. If I find out for sure that no one added this to my tank, then someone here had better know what's going on or send me some prozac.


Holy crap, it even has a tiny feather duster on it! I just saw it poking out.
*goes insane*
I think you're right, Mike. I just looked at the back side of the rock and there's a huge red one that looks like it's reaching up. I didn't know these things moved. There are also tiny red ones all over the rock that I didn't notice before.
Again, if this site sent me this, I don't understand it. Neither me nor my brother have been to the local (over an hour away) LFS in months.