I jinxed myself. I got an ick outbreak Help please

florida joe

Well-Known Member
With what little I know about the life cycle of ick can some one educate me as to how enriched food brakes that life cycle once a tank is infected


Active Member
Which tank is this, how big. If you cant catch the hippo, then your best bet is to put all your live rock and inverts into tubs, and hypo your main tank.


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
Which tank is this, how big. If you cant catch the hippo, then your best bet is to put all your live rock and inverts into tubs, and hypo your main tank.
Just out of curiosity...what does doing that do to your sand???


Originally Posted by meowzer
Just out of curiosity...what does doing that do to your sand???

Originally Posted by TeresaQ

not sure, I dont think hypo hurts the bacteria in the sand, though may kill any pods
OK...Well with what little I know about hypo, can someone please let me know if hypo hurts live sand....Thank you (I don't have ich, but inquiring minds need to know)


Active Member
Wow thanks ya'll for your help
I have decided that putting them in the 10 gallon is way too small and will stress them out even more.
I am doing small daily water changes (read up on the swimming/floating bugs) and I have been soaking algae in that garlic xtreme stuff because all the fish eat that. They are also eating 2 other kinds of food and eating better now then they were prior to the ick. The powder will have it lightly in some areas and then it will be gone the next day and then back again, but I have noticed he does not scratch himself as much and he looks really good today. The small hippo has gotten worse but is eating more.
So I am just going to keep hanging in there. I have learned my lesson to NEVER introduce a fish without making sure its ok.


Do you have any pics of the ich? Also get some Selcon and Zoe...We know it doesn't cure it, but it is vitamins for the fish, and they can fight it better if they are healthier.


Originally Posted by florida joe
With what little I know about the life cycle of ick can some one educate me as to how enriched food brakes that life cycle once a tank is infected

No facts to offer you FJ, but the only logical explanation I can come up with is the added nutrition/vitamins help keep the ICH off the fish (improved slime coating?), so when the ICH can't attach itself to a host, it breaks the life cycle.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
And that my friend may be the real problem in recurring ick outbreaks. Let me give you my own take on feeding with supplementation and its effect on ick. First as we all know ick has to be introduced into the tank, it does not just manifest itself on its own. More fish are prone to ick then others and their slime coat or lack of it is definitely a reason. Now once the ick parasite is introduced into our tank and appears in its parasitic stage the hobbyist starts to feed enriched food. The food is bolstering the immune system of the infected fish improving the slime coat. When the ick parasite falls off the fish to continue its life cycle the fish continues to improve its immune system. When ick is in its stage to find a host there is a chance that it will only minimally infect the now health fish and this minimal infestation may go unnoticed. This pattern can go on until a serious out brake takes place. With all the ick remedies on the market I have yet to see a company manufacturing supplements claim they will kill ick. (I only wish it would it would be a reef safe cure). My bottom line is simply while supplements may hold ick in a tolerable state in our tanks it is not eliminating it. As witnessed by the many threads stating that people have not introduced anything new in their tanks but have an outbreak, feed their fish medicated food and the ick “goes away”


Active Member
even if u could take out the 2 tangs, if u hv other fish in the tank for the ick parasites to latch onto. u will never completely treat it with fish in the tank. a natural solution that has worked for me in the past; hv 1-2 skunk cleaner shrimps while running uv sterilizer for 4-6 weeks. the uv will kill the free floating form of if ick during its life cycle, while the shrimps may or may not clean the parasites off the tangs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
Your nitrifying and di nitrifying bacteria are not effected by hypo
Just to add though the flora and fauna in the sand will die. This could be problematic depending on the population density and the resulting additional decaying material from the die off.


Originally Posted by spanko
Just to add though the flora and fauna in the sand will die. This could be problematic depending on the population density and the resulting additional decaying material from the die off.
Does that mean pods will die???

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Just to add though the flora and fauna in the sand will die. This could be problematic depending on the population density and the resulting additional decaying material from the die off.
excellent addition Henry and all the more reason to check Water parameters


I tested my water last night and everything was good.
0 Nitrites
0 Nitrates
0 Ammonia
All my fish were happy swimming around eating. This morining I woke up and my Koran Angel died my PearlScale Butterfly dead and my Clark clown is hanging on by thread. My Blue Hippo Tang and my Foxface are all good so are all my inverts. I tested my water this morning and this is what I got
Nitrites were low-med cant remember the number
Nitrates 50+
Ammonia 0
Do you have any kinda idea what could cause such destruction over 1 night? Nothing has changed I added the Koran about 2 weeks ago thats the last thing I added any comments would be appreciated