i just got a prizm skimmer?


hello my name is tom and i just got this skimmer and i dont know much about it ... so how long does it take for it to start working right and not feeling my intier tank up with little air bubbles?


I'm extremely new myself, so I'm not one to give advice, but I do have the prizm skimmer. At first mine filled up, so I turned it down as far as it would go. It then would stop running water after awhile, so I'd adjust it up a little. I had to do this about a week, but since then it's been running fine. I don't understand it, but it seemed to have a break in period. It'll start working after awhile.


Active Member
It's my understanding that most new skimmers will take anywhere from 1-3 weeks break in...I know mine seemed to take forever, but was really about 2 weeks before I noticed that it was pulling skimmate. Since then, with adjustments and just knowing what to listen for, mine is constantly pulling skimmate. If yours is new, just give it time. During the break in, if you hear it making louder than usual noises or if it just doesn't sound right, adjust it. Before long, you'll get it to where you want it.
Lisa :happyfish


yeah i just hooked up to night and its just full of water and my tank is full of air lol... the fish and stuff dont seem to mind they are playing in it... but i just would like for it to work right...
so i should give it a few days what do i need to play with on there the water in take? leave it open or close it a little


Active Member
Originally Posted by TommyGun8
yeah i just hooked up to night and its just full of water and my tank is full of air lol... the fish and stuff dont seem to mind they are playing in it... but i just would like for it to work right...
so i should give it a few days what do i need to play with on there the water in take? leave it open or close it a little
Hi Tom, and welcome to SWF.com!! If you just hooked up your skimmer today, for sure just give it some time. Is your skimmer a HOB model?? does it have a venturi system? If not, what other adjustments does it have?
Again, welcome, and have fun!!
Lisa :happyfish


its a hang on Prizem deluxe skimmer.... for a 100g. and its on a 30 right now but its going on my 75g when i buy its in 2 weeks lol... and i dont know what that othere stuff is lol its only got one thing u can change... thats the water intake as far as i know...


Active Member
Slow the water intake down until the bubles stop coming out. Everybodies right! With a new skimmer all the oils and things from the plastic, need to break in. Keep on it for a while fine tuning. Mine would run the best at about half the intake.


is there always going to be all of them bubbles in the tank even when it is working right becaues i dont like them all in there?


Active Member
No there shouldn't be any bubbles at all. I can't remember, is there a primer hose on that? Can you crank it down to almost off?


no just the one where the water comes in.... and i got it on hafe way and thes still a ton of bubbles... just thought i would ask .....


Yes there is a primer hose. I've been told to run it where the bubbles or foam is about half way up the tube to the overflow.


I just got the same skimmer for my 20 gallon today, though mine doesn't have the deluxe package.
The directions say to start it up with the valve fully open, and the primer hose conntected to the primer tube in the cover of the skimmate collection basket, and then reduce the intake valve until no more bubbles are overflowing into the tank, then also move the hose onto the other little connection on the lid. If what everyone says is true, it may just take a few days with a mostly closed intake valve until the seals are wet and the dust and plastic oil runs out of it, right? I'll get mine going and we can compare results! :thinking:


There are two "ports" for the primer tube on the collection........the one on the far left is the priming.....once the water is sucked into the unit, move the tube to the other port. All you have to do after that is play with the water flow. The tab running with the tube is wide open and across the tube is closed.......start closed and slowly open up the water flow......it takes a while to find the right flow but once you do, its pretty simple to keep going.......get a sharpie and mark where you finally have it set so when you stop the flow to empty your cup you know where to go to get the right flow again. I know the beginning of my post is confusing but I HOPE it helps


no just the one where the water comes in.... and i got it on hafe way and thes still a ton of bubbles... just thought i would ask .....