I love Arizona. No "Anchor Babies"


Active Member
Thats just thumbing their noses at the open borders crowd. Not sure that would stand a court challenge, unless artfully worded. If they required proper ID from parents before issuing a birth certificate might work. Valid drivers license, Birth Certificate etc. Illegals would have a hard time coming up with those.


Active Member
The biggest part of this is not what most of you might think. The Mexicans who live within a couple hours drive of the border all drive across and squeeze out their little money-makers here to get U.S. citizenship. They then live on American welfare and foodstamps for the rest of their lives. A few years ago there was an estimate of around 250,000-350,000 Mexicans, living in Mexico, living on American entitlements. For instance. The town of Naco Arizona has a population of about 500. There are now over 2000 p.o. boxes. The reason is the Mexicans have their welfare, ebt cards and yes, social security mailed there. How do they get social security? They get on disability, never having worked a day in the U.S. Besides the illegals here draining the life out of our state, we are being bled dry by the Mexicans who live there still. That is why they want to stop the automatic atm er citizenship.


Active Member
If people understood how much the illegals are really costing this country we wouldn't need border patrol, people would stand guard on the border with shotguns and baseball bats.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mrdc
This was in Sunday's parade magazine ... thought you you would find it interesting. I believe you have seen this logic played already.
They have special visas available for people of skills in short supply here which makes sense to me. But in a era of 10% unemployment I find it hard to believe there aren't any current residents available to do the jobs. Any time unemployment get over a certain level, I'd say maybe 7% I would stop all immigration other than people seeking asylum


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Here's one for you. Federal courts deemed that a small town in New York unfairly elects their trustees in such a way that minorities like Hispanics are never represented. So to recitify the situation, every voter gets to vote SIX times instead of one. They call it 'cumulative voting':
Insanity. Also holder voter forums in spanish? Last I knew speaking English was a requirement to become a citizen and only citizens can vote. Beam me up Scotty!


New Member
I remember Barbara Walters doing a special about anchor babies about 12 years ago. She reported how Southern Cali and Arizona reported a huge increase in population from Census and how social security. All I have to say its about time! They should of did this 20 years ago!


Active Member
I guess all your grandparents and great grandparents were native American!!
Don't get me wrong, Living in Fla with a large illegal population I realize there are problems, and that they should be going thru proper channels, but being the mother of two Mexicans, a Haitian and a Chinese kid and having fostered many migrant babies, your attitudes rub me the wrong way.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
I guess all your grandparents and great grandparents were native American!!
Don't get me wrong, Living in Fla with a large illegal population I realize there are problems, and that they should be going thru proper channels, but being the mother of two Mexicans, a Haitian and a Chinese kid and having fostered many migrant babies, your attitudes rub me the wrong way.
Adopting or fostering a newborn or abandoned child that wasn't born in the US is completely different from a woman deliberately sneaking into this country with the sole purpose of having her child so it can become an automatic US citizen. Like you said, those children came into this country using the proper channels. "Anchor babies" don't.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
I guess all your grandparents and great grandparents were native American!!
Don't get me wrong, Living in Fla with a large illegal population I realize there are problems, and that they should be going thru proper channels, but being the mother of two Mexicans, a Haitian and a Chinese kid and having fostered many migrant babies, your attitudes rub me the wrong way.
Yeah but your kids are all legal. Big difference and by the way, thank you for doing that. You can't hear that enough.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
I guess all your grandparents and great grandparents were native American!!
That is SO not the point anyone here is trying to make. Our grandparents and great grandparents came here LEGALLY!

darthtang aw

Active Member
I am going to play devil's advocate here...as I am actually against this law...as I view it as unconstitutional.
Ok, I see many in here support this. I also see the same that support this, a great majority are against abortion/pro-life. Ok what is the difference? In both cases the child is punished for the actions of the parent completely not of their control.
The end result is different I will grant, but the mentality is the same................


Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
That is SO not the point anyone here is trying to make. Our grandparents and great grandparents came here LEGALLY!
Or some our ancestors were here before the US was technically a country...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I am going to play devil's advocate here...as I am actually against this law...as I view it as unconstitutional.
Ok, I see many in here support this. I also see the same that support this, a great majority are against abortion/pro-life. Ok what is the difference? In both cases the child is punished for the actions of the parent completely not of their control.
The end result is different I will grant, but the mentality is the same................
I am 100% for the concept but I am not sure the law will stand. BUT, I would love to see it drug into the SCOTUS. The court, contrary to popular belief has never ruled the 14th applies to illegal immigrants. It took a change of law to make it apply to Indian people living on the reservations.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I am going to play devil's advocate here...as I am actually against this law...as I view it as unconstitutional.
Ok, I see many in here support this. I also see the same that support this, a great majority are against abortion/pro-life. Ok what is the difference? In both cases the child is punished for the actions of the parent completely not of their control.
The end result is different I will grant, but the mentality is the same................
I don't know if a great majority are pro-baby killing. Just all the people who run TV, Radio and newspapers...