The biggest part of this is not what most of you might think. The Mexicans who live within a couple hours drive of the border all drive across and squeeze out their little money-makers here to get U.S. citizenship. They then live on American welfare and foodstamps for the rest of their lives. A few years ago there was an estimate of around 250,000-350,000 Mexicans, living in Mexico, living on American entitlements. For instance. The town of Naco Arizona has a population of about 500. There are now over 2000 p.o. boxes. The reason is the Mexicans have their welfare, ebt cards and yes, social security mailed there. How do they get social security? They get on disability, never having worked a day in the U.S. Besides the illegals here draining the life out of our state, we are being bled dry by the Mexicans who live there still. That is why they want to stop the automatic atm er citizenship.