I need a simile



The walls were as white as...what?
And don't say snow, for 2 reasons.
1. EVERYBODY always says snow
and 2, they weren't quite that white.
50 year old hospital room walls


Active Member
The walls were as white as the toilet bowel you are leaning your pounding head against as you try and remember what you did the night before and where you were when you did whatever you did, how much money you spent on drinks and why, oh why, did you have to start ordering doubles, as the next wave of nausea hits you wonder if you will ever feel well again and faintly remember getting a phone number of a beautiful lady which is now sitting at the bottom of the white toilet bowel and you ponder if it is worth reaching in to get the piece of paper...........


Active Member
lol .... This whole time I thought the title of the thread was "I need a smile".
No wonder why I couldn't make the connection.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scotts
The walls were as white as the toilet bowel you are leaning your pounding head against as you try and remember what you did the night before and where you were when you did whatever you did, how much money you spent on drinks and why, oh why, did you have to start ordering doubles, as the next wave of nausea hits you wonder if you will ever feel well again and faintly remember getting a phone number of a beautiful lady which is now sitting at the bottom of the white toilet bowel and you ponder if it is worth reaching in to get the piece of paper...........
LOL jus' too funny.


Well, I tell you this, next time I need any literary help... SCOTTS, you will be my go to man!!
The walls were the walls of a hospital room that's like, 50 years old, so the eggshell woulda fit, but it didn't flow, so what I ended up putting was
The walls would have been as white as snow, if it had not been for the consequence of age.
I wrote the paper THEN had to go back and add a simile and a metaphor and IMO, there were no comfortable places to put them, but I had to so I just stuck in a couple weak ones...
sleeping like a baby and as white as snow.
I don't know what's gonna happen, the paper was due today.
But thanks all!!


Originally Posted by lovethesea
Are you taking a writing class???

I am.
I went into two subjects, and my thought process was
I love writing, that won't be a problem, but I hate math, I don't know what I'm gonna do to get through it.
And since, I have an awesome math teacher and love math. Love going, love knowing, even love the homework.
Apperantly as much as I ove to write, I can't. Not properly anyway.
I don't know where commas go. Or when to use a semicolon. etc...
So, I don't like writing so much anymore.
I'm supposed to know how to identify an adverb or pronoun...I can't.
I have a B in the class, but I though for sure I'd get an A.
Ironically, I have an A in my math class...
go figure


Originally Posted by reefreak29
my butt in july
You like to write or are you dreading it??
You cannot cheat and buy papers off the net either, cause they monitor it digitally, and you get busted and kicked out.


rice...I like that, I'm gonna use that if I ever hafta do another simile.
rice is a good one.. or rice paper... aah? aah??
Don't think I'm gonna use anyones teeth.


Active Member
I can help you with the comma question:
use to separate multiple verbs, nouns, adjectives, etc. in a sentence, ie:
The walls were as white as rice, snow, and/or gary busey's teeth.
Or use it to separate 2 sentences in one but making a complete sentence:
The walls were described as being as white as rice, but they were really as white as gary busey's teeth.
I think there's another use for commas...I guess that's where I always feel compelled to use them.
Hope this helps some.