I need advice with adding live sand to an existing reef tank

Hey guys
I have a 28g nano reef tank and I need to add more sand to it. I want a 1-2 inch sand base. I currently have a half inch due to vacuuming over time.
Is it ok to add CaribSea Arag-Alive sand straight out of the bag to the my tank? Is this very harmful?
If it's harmful, what's the best method for adding additional sand to an existing reef tank.
I need help with advice.
Thanks guys!!!


Active Member
If the tank is still cycling, I would go ahead and add it now.
If not I would use dry sand that has been rinsed very well. Then only cover about 1/4 of the existing sand bed at a time, wait a week then do the next 1/4. This will allow the existing sand to maintain it's biofiltering bacteria and to populate the new additions.

bang guy

If it were me I would add 1/2" at a time and I would use dry sand but finish with real live sand.
What livestock are currently in the tank?


Staff member
My photo shows my 12g nano. I added 1 whole bag of Carib Sea aragalive sand (new), but water, and live rock from my 120 and put my 3 fish in all within a couple hours. 6 mos later all is well. The picture is from last month. So I would say yes add the bag of Carib Sea live sand as is.