I Need Advise Im Scared!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by trippkid
That is one nasty worm. Reminds me of the some of the sand worms in the movies, or the one Sandy, from Spongebob, tries to wrangle.
lol, alaskan bull worm.
since its a FO tank, id leave it. its most likely just gunna eat any food your fish dont eat.


Active Member
Originally Posted by teen
lol, alaskan bull worm.
since its a FO tank, id leave it. its most likely just gunna eat any food your fish dont eat.
Thanks Teen, I couldn't think of the name they called it, it is really bad because I just watched it a couple of days ago with my kids for the 100th time. I'm losing some of my mind the older I get.


I would get it out.For fear it may decide it likes sleeping fish later
Could you get the rock it's living in out and do a freshwater dip?I bet that would get it out??
Tonight Equiped with a Head mounted red light and a pair of feeding tongs Operation Slimey Worm will go into action... To all that say there good for your tank I can care less this thing even gives me goosebumbs... Its gotta go... Will a red L E D have the same effect as a flashlight... I have read alot about these things today and have determined that at its size it could pose a risk to my fish hence the Operation seek and destroy..


Good Luck with the Stealth Operation. Do not worry about replacing this with anything. I guarantee if you have one that big in your tank, you also have smaller ones!


Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveChouinard
Tonight Equiped with a Head mounted red light and a pair of feeding tongs Operation Slimey Worm will go into action... To all that say there good for your tank I can care less this thing even gives me goosebumbs... Its gotta go... Will a red L E D have the same effect as a flashlight... I have read alot about these things today and have determined that at its size it could pose a risk to my fish hence the Operation seek and destroy..
I would argue the opposite. Anyone online can post anything about these things. Need to consider your source and there's a lot of hard headed hobbiests that probably blamed their fish deaths to bristles when it could have easily been a lot of things.
I don't blame you for wanting it out. I do think that a flashlight would be better then a red LED. I could be wrong but LED's seem intense to me.
Originally Posted by trippkid
If you are concerned about it, I would try and remove him. They do make traps for them, I have never used one, so I can't say how well they work. You can bait him with some food when the lights are off. A small plastic bottle(water bottle) with some food inside, lay it on its side. either cut the top off or bury it up to the opening, so the worm can get in easier. When it is all in there, slowly pull the trap out. Make sure most to all of him is out of his home. He may be able to or try to at least, retract back into his home if spooked. I wish some would catch some of my fish, mainly a Maroon Clown, bully of the tank and knocks my coral over daily. Good luck
I had some damsels that were bullys One died thank god, and the other one I removed all of my live rock only to find that once I did and the water cleared the damsel was gone so I put a piece of live rock back in the tank and out he swam so what I did was leave the net in the tank untill he felt comfortable around it (2 days) then one day he was close to it I droped some food in to distract him and swoop I cought the little F%&#ER... They dont call them blue devils for nothing they were even picking on a lionfish
Originally Posted by Dischirm
Good Luck with the Stealth Operation. Do not worry about replacing this with anything. I guarantee if you have one that big in your tank, you also have smaller ones!


I guess I will find out tonight


no worry's! small bristle worms are a good thing!!! Very helpful creatures, you want some of them (just not gigantic fat hairy ones!)
Do you think that some of that automobile Red tape thats for busted tail lights will work over a normal flashlight because I just went to wal-mart and they dont have what I need


Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveChouinard
Do you think that some of that automobile Red tape thats for busted tail lights will work over a normal flashlight because I just went to wal-mart and they dont have what I need
I've heard that you can just use a red marker and color the flashlight lense. Haven't tried it though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveChouinard
Do you think that some of that automobile Red tape thats for busted tail lights will work over a normal flashlight because I just went to wal-mart and they dont have what I need
Yes, the red tape should work fine. I've had a net(s) in my tank for about 3wks. now, and can not catch that darn clown. Every time I get near the tank, the little bugger swims behind a large plate like rock in the middle. He will be out when I get a smaller tank set up in a couple of wks. I'll break the larger tank down, to get the fish and I've been wanting to rearrange everything anyhow. Perfect opportunity to catch him and a mean looking crab that must have come in on some coral.
Good luck catching that worm.
Well I couldent find any colored saran wrap but I must say the red marker on the lens of my mini mag light looks like its gonna work Im gonna make a trap once I see what his late night habbits are... thanks for all of your help
Ok so I took a piece of pvc pipeing with a piece of nylons(pantyhose), in the middle of the nylons twisted at both ends is a piece of shrimp. So I figure the worm will start to go into the pipe and slide through the nylons as he goes deeper, the nylons will get closer and tighter to his body as he tryies to pull out he will be stuck in the nylons... Well thats the theory anyway, we will see if it works. I know the smell is in the tank because my starfish went straight for it so I took another piece of shrimp and mushed it up to keep him busy for the night and out of the trap...
Operation Seek And Destroy HAS BEGUN!!!!



I think of all the traps I read about that this one will work the most effective if at all, if not I will try some thing else. My hope is that if he does get stuck that the rest of him comes out of the rock. These pantyhose were sented but that didnt seem to bother the starfish he went right to it so I think the scent of the shrip over powers the scent of the pantyhose