I need help on my 6 gal.


Active Member
I've had my 6 gal tank for a few years now, but havn't really put too much in it. I have a clown and some rics and shrooms.
I have been thinking about moving the corrals into my 12 gal and turning my 6 gal into an invert tank. I would love to get some urchins, but I don't know if the 6 gal is too small.
I was thinking of getting all different kinds of crabs (emerald, sally lightfoot crab, etc) and some cucumbers or nudibranches etc.
Is this possible or is the 6 gal too small?
Any ideas, warnings, suggestions, comments and advice would be greatly appreciated.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Originally Posted by zoie2 http:///t/394161/i-need-help-on-my-6-gal#post_3507928
I've had my 6 gal tank for a few years now, but havn't really put too much in it. I have a clown and some rics and shrooms.
I have been thinking about moving the corrals into my 12 gal and turning my 6 gal into an invert tank. I would love to get some urchins, but I don't know if the 6 gal is too small. Yes urchins graze all day need a lot of algae.
I was thinking of getting all different kinds of crabs (emerald, sally lightfoot crab, etc) and some cucumbers or nudibranches etc. Same for cucumbers and nud's need large tanks, Emeralds will graze but will also except food.
Is this possible or is the 6 gal too small?
Any ideas, warnings, suggestions, comments and advice would be greatly appreciated. Crabs or shrimps are fine. Also try a brittle star.


Active Member
I thought it might be too small for urchins.
I just wanted to do a critter tank, something different than my 12 gal.
If I stick with just crabs and shrimp, is there a rule of thumb in regards to number and compatibility?


Active Member
can you put a brittle star in a 6? I never did much research into the stars cause I here they just starve and I also always had coral so I don't know too much about brittle stars. Don't they like to munch on snails and stuff?

mr. limpid

Active Member
Originally Posted by zoie2 http:///t/394161/i-need-help-on-my-6-gal#post_3508097
I thought it might be too small for urchins.
I just wanted to do a critter tank, something different than my 12 gal.
If I stick with just crabs and shrimp, is there a rule of thumb in regards to number and compatibility?
all crabs and shrimp are scavengers so if they are hungry they will eat each other. So keep them feed as for bio load the do not add much load. Also both crabs a nd shrimp have a short life span 2 to 3 years.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Originally Posted by zoie2 http:///t/394161/i-need-help-on-my-6-gal#post_3508098
can you put a brittle star in a 6? I never did much research into the stars cause I here they just starve and I also always had coral so I don't know too much about brittle stars. Don't they like to munch on snails and stuff?
Brittle's are also scavengers plus eat detritus, just place a piece of food next to or under it body. Hermits will eat snails or kill them for there shells. All scavenges will eat any thing they can grab, just keep them fed.


Active Member
Cool, I'll look a little more into the star. I use to feed my sun coral frozen mysis shrimp, is that what you mean by something meaty?
I usually feed sinking shrimp pellets 1x a week for additional food for all the critters. Is there someting more or better (with algae) I should feed since I am adding more scavengers to the tank?

mr. limpid

Active Member
Originally Posted by zoie2 http:///t/394161/i-need-help-on-my-6-gal#post_3508137
Cool, I'll look a little more into the star. I use to feed my sun coral frozen mysis shrimp, is that what you mean by something meaty? Yes
I usually feed sinking shrimp pellets caution some dryed foods have phosphates 1x a week for additional food for all the critters. Is there someting more or better (with algae) I should feed since I am adding more scavengers to the tank? If you mean to consume algae, yes emerald crab (i like them because you can supplement there diet with nori and meaty foods). If you have a lot of growth that keeps growing you can add a Mexican turbo snail, ( be careful one will eat a lot).


Active Member
What I'm wondering is how much I should feed them, is feeding 1x a week with the sinking pellet will be enough. And I'm also wondering if they NEED algae, do I have to FEED them algae?

mr. limpid

Active Member
I wouldn't feed the pellets, I would feed stuff like silver sides, squid and claims. Once a week is fine. As for algae if there isn't enough growing in your tank to support them don't add more then the algae in the tank can support.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr. Limpid http:///t/394161/i-need-help-on-my-6-gal#post_3508297
As for algae if there isn't enough growing in your tank to support them don't add more then the algae in the tank can support.
I guess this was my original question/concern. Right now i have 6 very small bluelegged hermits, 4 med red legged hermit, 4 cerith and 4 turbos. On top of this I was thinking of adding an emerald crab, a sally lightfoot, maybe a porcelain crab (or two, I read they like to be in pairs), a cleaner shrimp, a pepermint shrimp, maybe 4 bumblebee snails. I thought it would be neat to have as many different critters as I could get. BUT I don't want them to starve, or fight etc.

mr. limpid

Active Member
The hermits will kill your snails for food, for there shells and for sport. I would go with hermits since you want a critter tank. Leave the snails you have just don't add any more. All the crabs and shrimp will scavenge for food and you also can add food. I would add food every other day like you are feeding a couple of fish. This is when you have a full tank of critters. After a couple of hours go by and you see there any uneaten food then the next time just add less. If all the food is gone then try a little more. You'll fine the right amount. Good luck

bang guy

Try to find someone willing to give you a few Stomatella Snails. They are perfect for Nano tanks. The population will grow or shrink automatically in relation to the amount of diatoms available.