i need help please!!!


New Member
i need advice for the bio load amount for fish fo a 54 gallon tank and also the types of fish that are peaceful??? i currently have my live rock and live sand and a fridmani a coral beauty and a fire fish a white goby a cleaner shrimp. and crabs and snail. any adive would be helpful


Staff member
54 gal is considered small for marine aquariums, so you will obviously want to stick to smaller fish, such as clowns, perhaps a hawkfish. Stay away from larger fish, angels, tangs, etc.


New Member
Originally Posted by Beth
54 gal is considered small for marine aquariums, so you will obviously want to stick to smaller fish, such as clowns, perhaps a hawkfish. Stay away from larger fish, angels, tangs, etc.
what is the bio load limit for fish in my 54 gallon tank.


It depends on the what fish, how large they'll get as adults, your filtration, etc.
Why not just mention the fish you would like to have and others will tell you if it seems okay or not?


New Member
Originally Posted by pokey
It depends on the what fish, how large they'll get as adults, your filtration, etc.
Why not just mention the fish you would like to have and others will tell you if it seems okay or not?
i am want fish that grow 1'to2' and peaceful fishe chromis, clowns, i already have in my tank is white goby, firefish, coral beauty, and a cleaner shrimp. so i am wounder what else that put in without getting bio load.


New Member
Originally Posted by jn12329
i am want fish that grow 1'to2' and peaceful fishe chromis, clowns, i already have in my tank is white goby, firefish, coral beauty, and a cleaner shrimp. so i am wounder what else that put in without getting bio load.
please help me


Active Member
Any goby, blenny, psuedochromis, perhaps a basslet. Do you have a protein skimmer & a sump? This will make a difference in how many. I would say 1 or two more small/med fish would be ok.


New Member
Originally Posted by promisetbg
Any goby, blenny, psuedochromis, perhaps a basslet. Do you have a protein skimmer & a sump? This will make a difference in how many. I would say 1 or two more small/med fish would be ok.
i have a protein skimmer but i don't know use it my brother gave me his saltwater tank cause he works too much and he bought a skimmer and never knew how use is it so thats why i don't..


New Member
Originally Posted by nofly45
hey u could put a blue tang they are peaceful and a pair of clown fish and maybe a yellow tang ??
well i know that since i do have a coral beauty that i was told that it would be good idea to put thier relatives of them in the tank with it. but ok put simaliar fish of the fridmani, i have a whit goby a fire fish and its goby too. would be ok add any more of those???? and i will put what recmondations into thought. cause i wasn't sure if those kind of fish would be ok in my tank. but thankyou for you suggestions.



Originally Posted by jn12329
well i know that since i do have a coral beauty that i was told that it would be good idea to put thier relatives of them in the tank with it.
but ok put simaliar fish of the fridmani, i have a whit goby a fire fish and its goby too. would be ok add any more of those???? and i will put what recmondations into thought. cause i wasn't sure if those kind of fish would be ok in my tank. but thankyou for you suggestions.
By relatives, do you mean other coral beauties or dwarf angels? I don't know who told you this was a "good idea" but it's really not recommended. Dwarfs may fight and even kill each other. Not saying it can't be done as I've seen many successful flame angels in together with coral beauties, however, I wouldn't say it's a "good idea" and would rather think of other interesting fish instead. Especially since your coral beauty is already in there and established some sort of territory.


Active Member
Definitely stick to small fish. In my 55 g I have 2 ocellaris clowns, a sixline wrasse, a royal gramma, (and a snowflake eel which isn't very small but it doesn't move most of the day so it does just fine).
Tangs shouldn't be put in a 4 foot tank and you should think about returning the angel until your tank is 6 months old, they need a mature tank with pristine water conditions. Also, you should only have 1 angel in a 54 gallong tank. as pokey mentioned above. I would check out the sixline wrasse, he's my newest fish and also my current favorite. He swims in and out of the live rock, has amazing coloring, and is fun to watch. Hope this helpsl.


Staff member
The concept of a bio load limit is not appropriate for the marine hobby. In fact, if you have a preconceived notion of that load, the best course of action is to fall well under it.
I would recommend reading "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" if you haven't done so already.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nofly45
hey u could put a blue tang they are peaceful and a pair of clown fish and maybe a yellow tang ??

I would STRONGLY disagree and discourage keeping ANY tang in this size tank. They are far too large, and the tank far too small...not to mention they are quite an increase in bioload.


New Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
I would STRONGLY disagree and discourage keeping ANY tang in this size tank. They are far too large, and the tank far too small...not to mention they are quite an increase in bioload.
thankyou all for the the help and i want to stick with fish that gro 1' to 2' long no bigger and peacefull to so thanks again for the help


Active Member
There are not to many fish that small, maybe a clown goby. Try to get that skimmer hooked up and running before you add anymore fish, you will want your tank to be healthy and learn as much as you can before you add more fish, Knowing what you are doing is formost in this hobby, read and learn, and you will enjoy this hobby a whole lot more


Active Member
What do you mean there aren't that many fish that small. How about firefish, royal grammas, ocellaris clownfish, sixline wrasses...to name a few.


Active Member
Most of the fish we have all mentioned get larger then 1 or 2 inches when they are full grown, he wants fish that are 1 to 2 inches, and i assume he means full grown. My firefish are 4 inches, and the only fish i have that stays that small are my clown gobies. Or did I read something wrong here???