!!!!!I NEED HELP!!!!!!


So today I purchased my fire shrimp and second Clarkii clownfish!!!!! BUT....
I have named her Rasputia because she is bigger and is now beating up my smaller clown and kicked him out of his Sabae.
I have named the smaller one Norbit, but will the clown stop fighting eventually? I am sad to see that my Big clown chases the other one and tries to nip at it,


lol....calm down.....the larger fish will assert its dominance...oncethe smaller one submits they should stop fighting.....usually you add a new clown that is smaller though
if they fight you can turn off the lights...sometimes that helps.....sometimes it does not....just watch them, if the smaller one starts to get hurt, you will have to seperate them


Alright, well my light's are off for now, so they're are kind of kicking eachother in and out of the Sabae but if worse comes to worse what if I pick up a second sabae?
I just don't want to risk crashing my tank.


that may work long as the large clown sees that he enjoys only 1 of them. leaving the other for ur other smaller clown. good luck :)


Active Member
I had the same problem with introducing another clown (Osc.) the new one was smaller than the one I had, she beat him up for a few days, left lights off, he got him fins torn a bit but after a few days they were best friends. Be patient they should be fine in a couple of days.


Active Member
Also, do not be surprised if the female kicks the male out of the sebae. My female won't let the male in unless it is time to spawn.