No, we have TON of pods in the tank. I was just told that you can never have TOO many, & I just wanted to make double sure Money isn't an issue, wo I figured why the heck not?
I just got the set up and dont have a fuge yet. I just wanted to make sure the little guy has enough as he looked a little skinng when I got him. Ive seen people sell some from their fuges but you say the live ones that come in the bottles are good?
I agree with DevilDog...if you can get them from someone's tank, I'd go that route! I just don't know of anyone to buy some I went the $$$$ route & bought them from an online source.
Originally Posted by joker_ca
do u mind if i email you too Stachy i need some pods since my butterflies eat all of mine
I let U know if I have any left this weekend. I may be out for now. I'll repost if I have some more. Feel free to e-mail though.