i need some advice!!!!!!!!!


Originally Posted by puffer97
how many gallons do yo have to hve for a valontine puffer
you can do 1 pork in a 55 gal for a year.valontines are small puffers so 75 would be a home for ever but after you get the salt water bug you can use small tank as a QT
Originally Posted by slackjawed
you can do 1 pork in a 55 gal for a year.valontines are small puffers so 75 would be a home for ever but after you get the salt water bug you can use small tank as a QT

Yeah didn't you know? You can also do a great white in a 35 for 2 years?


on another site i just read that the minnumum tank size for a porc. is a 55g


Active Member
Ok puffer. It is quite apparent that you want a porcupine puffer. You dont want to buy the appropriate house for it, so why are you listening to us? The other site tells you 55g because that is what is needed when they ship you the fish initially. That is by NO means the size tank required for a 22" fish. Remember, they also want to sell you the fish. So does the LFS.
My quarentine tank is 55g and when I had to QT my 7" porky puffer he was very unhappy. In 2 years my puffer went from 2" to over 8" and fat as my fist. I have seen many porky puffers in people's tanks that are over 15".
Honestly, your tank will be ok for 12 months and that would be by himself.


Active Member
Were they selling them or was it people who have kept them before? Remember, on this site you are talking to a bunch of people who have either had saltwater tanks, kept this paticular fish, or have studied a lot about fish. They do not want to see you buy this fish and have it suffer or die. They want to see you have a happy healthy pet that you can enjoy for years to come. Placing a fish in a tank that is just barely big enough or undersized is a bad idea all together and the only one that suffers is the fish and your wallet when they die prematurely. Now, you are more than welcome to get a little tiny one and upgrade the tank later but it is a lot more expensive and there is not really a guarantee that you will have the money. If there was, I suspect that you would just get the bigger tank now.

Like he said..lol..^^^


i do want to buy the right size for it but i do not have a clue what i need (like filters and stuff) and the only tank set up i found was a 55g so do you have any websites to recamend that would be great and yes i do want a porc. really bad


Active Member
Everyone here is going to tell you to slow down. I know that you want this so bad you can taste it and they are awesome fish. If you rush this then you are probably going to regret it later.
You are in the right place. Do some research, continue to ask questions, and when you think you are ready ask some more.
Okay so you want a porc. puffer. Understand you cannot have them in a reef set up so you will probably go with a fish only or fish only with live rock (FO or FOWLR). All puffers eat inverts so clams, crabs, sea urchins, shrimp and snails are almost always out of the question (with the very rare exception). You need to figure out what kind of tankmates you would like or will it be a species only tank? Go to the New Hobbyist's forum and read 101 tips for beginners. It will answer about a million questions for you.
I hope this gives you some food for thought.


Originally Posted by puffer97
i do want to buy the right size for it but i do not have a clue what i need (like filters and stuff) and the only tank set up i found was a 55g so do you have any websites to recamend that would be great and yes i do want a porc. really bad
start here glasscages.com (i hope i can post this. they dont sell live so i wouldnt think its a competitor) they have set ups of any size for a decent price. and they ship it to a close location for pickup too


Here's the last puffer I had, he was 12+ inches and I had to get rid of him cause he got to big, not to mention aggressive, for my 250. There's no way you can put a porcupine in a 55.
Attachment 204557


Originally Posted by slackjawed
how long have you had him?
He's gone now because of his massive size. He was larger than a basketball when he would inflate. In the picture he was about 10 in. If taken care of properly, they WILL grow very fast!
Oh yeah, and he also killed my 6in blue jaw trigger by taking a bite out of his tail and riping it off, and killed my dogface by biting his mouth while he had a piece of shrimp. I actually got choked up by whatching this, it was so sad. I know for a fact that he could easily of taken one of my fingers if given the chance. I mean he would eat hermit crabs like sunflower seeds!
So although they look cute and cuddly, take it from me they get vicious when they get bigger. I will never own one again.


Originally Posted by slackjawed
6 "in a year no way!!!unless your feedin him roids!!!
In a large tank and proper diet, IT'S VERY POSSIBLE! He ate like a pig and if I didn't feed him properly, he would attack my fish. It took him 1 year 3 months to grow 6 inches! Here's a picture when I got him...
Oh, and slack I seriously doubt that you have 14 years of experience! The advice you give people sometimes is just ridiculous!!! and there's plenty of other people here that feel the same way!
Attachment 204580