i need some help ladies


Active Member
Originally Posted by deejeff442 http:///forum/thread/385425/i-need-some-help-ladies#post_3379827
maybe i will just ask her what she would like.then go find it? not as much of a surprise but maybe she would like some color .its 4 months out so i would have plenty of time to go look around.
Originally Posted by meowzer
Let me tell you this......I agree you should ask her....to make such a large purchase and NOT BE SURE would be silly
and as I said earlier....this is very personal....Just go to her and tell her what you had in mind...then go TOGETHER and browse
I like that idea. My wife would love to be part of the decision. Buying it together would mean even more to her than being surprised with it.
This is how it would play out for us...
Buy the ring (or whatever) together on the day of the anniversary, then make the rest of the day unforgettable. Some of our fondest memories are buying things on special days. Half of our honeymoon was spent in gift shops picking through knick-knacks.


Active Member
yes she went on the cruise then two weeks after she got back she took a week off from work when her sister came to visit.gotta keep them happy.she dont ask any questions about my fish tanks so i call it even.tin huh? i am sure she will already know that.hell i will just take her to the jewelry store and let her pick.
i cant complain i havnt done one load of laundry in ten years plus i think i used the vacuum cleaner twice.not sure where it even is ?

darthtang aw

Active Member

darth arent you the guy who plays with puppy dogs all day?
Mans best friend..............define" plays".
Darth (beats walking into a store dropping three grand on something that just sits there) Tang


Active Member
sits there or sits and sh+ts there?
funny my mastiff is just over a year old and around 120 lbs.yesterday i let him outside.we had our goats and donkeys out.well my dog is affraid of his own shadow untill yesterday.he chased the goats around the house 3 times full speed.not sure what he would have done if he caught them.but it was too funny to watch.after the third lap he was at half speed and his tounge was hanging out.

darthtang aw

Active Member

darth arent you the guy who plays with puppy dogs all day?
Of course it was raw .. you don't want to destroy the tender meat underneath by cooking it!! 

big ( isn't this better than all that political B.S.) arn
Exactly...what moron would cook a wonderfully stuffed bra.
Jeff...see...your dg provided entertainment for all....the ring....just sits there.
Darth (always right) tang


Just throwing this out there.........I love jewelry but I would much rather have a romantic vacation with my hubby for a 10 year anniversary and maybe buy a small piece of jewelry as a momento. Plus I love planning vacations, 4 months to plan together is always fun. A week in Hawaii or the Caribbean snorkeling????


Well-Known Member
I'd just ask her what she wants. That's what we do. Everybody ends up happier that way. Maybe throw in a small surprise...but something nice, like a card from that dollar store that says "it's been a grand pleasure putting up with you for the last 10 years, you're welcome" and maybe toss in a lottery ticket or two. She'll be all over ya.
2 (the ultimate romantic) Quills


Active Member

well my 10th anniversary is coming up in september.of course i need to get the ring.but i have been looking online before i go to a jeweler.to get an idea of what a 10th year ring looks like.i figured something with a bunch of smaller diamonds like 2 1/2-3 total carets.my piano teacher has one and it is very sweet.luckily the bunch of small diamonds compared to a 1+ carat is a whole lot less.i figure $2000-$3000 .i dont mind since she will have it the rest of her life.well if she can put up with me that much longer.
i am looking for a style you think a woman would like.white band,gold band,maybe a colored stone with the diamonds around it.i have no clue and no taste in jewelry.i dont wear one piece myself.i only wear my wedding ring when we go out of town.my job would destroy it in a day.
thank ladies i know you will come up with something for me.

See, its saps like you who get the rest of us introuble because we forget! Then it turns into a keeping up with the jones's. And once we know it, she's mad at us any ways.
Here's your solution: I agree, buy her rocks. Put em in a fish tank call em live (read "giving her more"), add some water n salt 2 it and tell her its hers. And when that doesn't work buy whatt ever she wanted in the first place and get a new tank out of he deal!
That my friends is what u call "winning" :laughing:


Well-Known Member
well i like to surprise my old lady! Shes not my wife or nothin but shes my love and shiz....I always say im gonna spend so much and than i end up spending a lot more sometimes double lol! I like simple like white gold band with one diamond. She prefers the sm diamonds all clustered together. Youve been with her long enough to ask her or even go with her so she can pick something out?!?!?! I would say at least get her a necklace and earings....dosent always have to be a ring right? Jewelry IS WOMENS BEST FRIEND LOL......good luck bro


Active Member
i see this post got busy after i left.i had fire station training tonight.it was a course on getting out safe.the instructor was showing vidios of fires where the firemen died.not actually the point when they died but pictures of the houses and the fires and such.some crazy stuff.most of the wrong doings i already know but when you get to a house that is on fire we might forget some things.
anyway,yea my wife wanted to go back to hawaii .plus my brother in law passed away a year ago and he wanted his ashes to be thrown out with the dolphins in hawaii so maybe that would work.who knows now .i will just ask her and be done with it.it sure would take the pressure off.


Active Member
Originally Posted by deejeff442 http:///forum/thread/385425/i-need-some-help-ladies/20#post_3379943
i had fire station training tonight.it was a course on getting out safe.the instructor was showing vidios of fires where the firemen died.not actually the point when they died but pictures of the houses and the fires and such.some crazy stuff.
i will just ask her and be done with it.it sure would take the pressure off.
I like this the death training wasn't the thing with the Pressure...... The wife was.... lol

Good luck, Hope for the best with a Hawaii trip!!!!!


Active Member
My sister and her husband went to Hawaii for their tenth anniversary and had an amazing time.


Active Member
we have been to hawaii so i dont know what we will do,hey meowser look into a cruise.they are cheap and you can pick which part of the sea and islands you want to go to.plus you can sign up for the snorkeling excursions.i have been on 8 of them.never had a bad time and costs half of the hotels and flights to the islands.
the snorkeling in hawaii was the best plus watching the dolphins jumping out of the water next to the boat was awesome.