I need some help.


Well-Known Member
Some seafood wrapped in pantyhose works well as a trap.

In most tanks the type of Bristleworm Flower has is extremely beneficial. Unfortunately they are no Seahorse safe as she has said.

Flower, besides Nassarius, do you have other cleaners to take care of uneaten food?
Yes I have, or should I say had 4 peppermint shrimps, when I swapped the tank critters over I discovered I had only 1. I don't know how long shrimps live, mine were about 3 to 4 years old. It's possible I lost the shrimp, and that's what allowed the wasted food to feed the plague level population of bristle worms. I also have a Blue strip pipefish, but the copepods were more tasty to it then the uneaten food. A couple of times I did see a brittle star that had hitchhiked, but I haven't seen it in years now.

I tried the pantyhose trick...LOL...my bristle worms had so much to eat they never bothered to come out of the rock, they ignored the hose completely.

Had I have known about the carbonated water thing I would have done it...the mushrooms seem to still be alive and the green color is very bright...although it is still shriveled looking, it's stressed I'm sure.

bang guy

Find someone with mini-brittle stars, they are worth their weight in gold for cleaning up uneaten food. Cerith & Nassarius (not the mud snails) are beneficial as well.


Well-Known Member
Just fyi - 4 years is a typical lifespan for Peppermint Shrimp.

Well that explains their loss. I love shrimp, they do such a nice job. Thanks for the heads up...I need to replace some shrimp in the 90g potbelly tank because they are reaching the end of their live too I bet. I seldom see the shrimp.

I have Cerith, Nassarius, turbo, margarita and Nerite snails. Mini brittle stars, I'm sure I had a ton of those too, I forgot about them... I could have coaxed them from the rock...too late, now they will die with the bristle worms. The rock has been drying for two days, and I put it outside in the rain...freshwater kills all saltwater critters, I was going to fill the rock tub with the hose, it started raining so I just left it outside on the porch..