I need your prayers


New Member
He is a true American Hero. My family will be praying that he continues to recover well. Please thank him for having the courage that most of us wish we had.


Sorry to hear about your cousin, it kills me to hear things like this. You hear about killings in Iraq, literally everyday, but don't know what families go through until it happens to yours. I personally have been in a few of these situations and it feels awful. Again, sorry.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Ok, I got some news today. He is in Germany now. They got all of the schrapnel out of his face. One large chunk went streight through his nose. He will have to have reconstructive surgery on his face. His face, chest, shoulder, arm and leg all have 3rd degree burns. His hand was completely crushed. They are hoping that with a series of surgeries on his hand that he will be able to use it again. Apparently there is not one bone left in his hand that is intact. He is comming back to NY after all of the surgeries to rehabilitate. Then, GET THIS, he wants to go back to Iraq to war. The man is barely recognizeable and all he is thinking about is getting fixed up and going back out there. To top it all off his 21 year old step-sister just got informed that she is going over there to war! WOW! Again, thank you all for the prayers. He seems to be recovering. He just has to have the surgeries and heal. He isn't going to look the same, but looks certainly are not on his mind at this point.
Woot Woot....My kinda guy...Your family is in our prayers...It will all be okay...


Don't worry about it, Clown. I'd like to know too!
I'll still pray for Stephen and his family, because this battle only started a year ago, I'm sure it still goes on...


Active Member
So Ilene it has been almost a year now. How is your cousin and your family doing? I hope all has worked out to the best it could have under the circumstances.


Thanks guys! The last that I heard, he had had several surgeries and was recovering. I haven't talked to him in awhile, but I will be seeing his brother tomorrow. I will be sure to get an update.


Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11
wait iraq has been like 7 years long now..?or r u just taling about him serving?
Clown, I'm talking about his fight to recover. It's a long, tough road.
Looking forward to getting the word, Sep!!


Originally Posted by bdhutier
Clown, I'm talking about his fight to recover. It's a long, tough road.
Looking forward to getting the word, Sep!!
He is back in Iraq. I talked to his brother today. He went back a few months ago. You simply can't keep him down I guess! His surgeries went well and he went into rehabilitation with physical therapy.


Originally Posted by renogaw
Can't pray for you (atheist..), but i give you and your family my best wishes and hopefully everything works out ok.
dude i dont think that helps with you being athiest and all i could be wrong but..........anyway sepulation i will definetely be praying for your cousin


Active Member
He is in our thoughts and prayers
That was my original post without reading and seeing how old the original post was. Good to see that he is doing OK!!!


Originally Posted by beenbag497
dude i dont think that helps with you being athiest and all i could be wrong but..........anyway sepulation i will definetely be praying for your cousin
Ren is awesome in my book, regardless of his beliefs
Thanks for the support
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman

He is in our thoughts and prayers
That was my original post without reading and seeing how old the original post was. Good to see that he is doing OK!!!
Thanks so much