I really need help


Active Member
I have I added it up yesterday 68-75 lbs of live rock and a skimmer and 40 lbs of aragonite and 20 lbs of live sand. and I have a hang on filter hooked up to it. Why wouldnt you recommed ammolock? Ill do another water change Wdnesday or Thursday or should I do another one today? Ammonia ia now down to .25???


Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
Why wouldnt you recommed ammolock?
Just to chime in...Im sure someone will correct me if I am wrong...Ammolock doesnt get rid of Ammonia..It "locks" it up to a less toxic state..and it will wear off and you will still have deadly ammonia in your tank....Quick fix that could possibly cause a long term problem..Just what I have always heard..


Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
ok so i want get any of that I dont think. Im about to go get a fwe items from the store to set up my QT tank
Always a great idea.. :cheer:


Active Member
why i used it was a total newb thing i added over 100lb. of lr at once my ammo showed black on the card which is over 8 :scared: i used it and did not lose anything fish or invert, that was oh 6-7 months back now, so it worked for me...tobin


Originally Posted by NigerBang
Just to chime in...Im sure someone will correct me if I am wrong...Ammolock doesnt get rid of Ammonia..It "locks" it up to a less toxic state..and it will wear off and you will still have deadly ammonia in your tank....Quick fix that could possibly cause a long term problem..Just what I have always heard..
Ammo lock changes it to a non toxic form, but NigerBang is right, it converts back in roughly a week. Equivalent to shooting each fish in the head without you realising it.
The number one thing I've learned with all of this is that shortcuts never turn out to be shortcuts in the end.
I would only use ammo lock if my ammonia was VERY HIGH and stressing the fish.


PPM = Parts per million.
You could do a 50% water change and still get the same reading of ammonia. Did you know that?
The higher your ammonia is, the easier/faster it is to get rid of it.
What you're aiming for is to remove as much as you can with water changes and hope/wait for the bacteria to consume the rest to retrieve the 0 ppm ammonia reading you want!
Also, did you know that Ammonia is more toxic/lethal at higher temperatures?
I posted the following on my blog a while back:
1. Ammonia gets more toxic at higher pH levels
2. Ammonia toxicity is significantly influenced by temperature and pH. The lower the temperature and pH the more ammonia can be tolerated.
3. Lethal ammonia concentrations at a pH of 6.5 are 0.73 ppm, while at pH 8.5 only 0.17 ppm are considered lethal to inhabitants.
4. A fish tank kept at 68 degrees F can tolerate more then twice the amount of ammonia as a tank kept at 86 degrees F.
5. Nitrite levels should be at an undetectable level at all times after the tank has fully cycled.
6. Detecting nitrites often means that the biological filter is not working properly, or the tank is overpopulated and the filter can not handle the load efficiently.


Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
water is back to crystal clear. but ammonia is still .25
Like I said, "You could do a 50% water change and still get the same reading of ammonia."
;) Lets hope your bio filter takes care of that.
I read that if you have 0 nitrites in your cycled tank, the bio filter is working correctly.
Whats your nitrite reading?


Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
Well i guess this weekend wasnt my weekend for my fishtank bought some colt coral that isnt doing well at all. and today I wake up and my skimmer is shooting out 500 millions bubbles so I have to shut it down cuz it was stressing out the fish and I think its the cost of the 2 green chromis dying.
And now the tank is really cloudy? What should I do??

with regards to your protein skimmer shooting out 1000 bubbles, are you sure none of the connecting tubing came undone from the power head to the skimmer??? Mine has done this in the past. Makes the take crazy filled w/ bubbles.....