I saved the armadillo..but got in trouble..


Active Member
Once at about 5 in the morning walking out to my car on my way to work, I had the biggest possum I've ever seen fall off my roof and land on me. I jumped out of my skin.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
Actually opossums have a pouch in which they carry their babies...then they go to the back

Really??? Wow I thought those types of critters were only found in Australia, that makes them kind of cool.


Active Member
There was one that was getting into my paren't garage and eating the dogfood. We finally got him to come out and chased him but he kept turning around and hissing. He was one ugly

. We played around with one when I was younger and it played dead. Once it realized we weren't going to leave him alone, he got pissed and did the hissing thing. We left him alone after that.


I think you did the right thing Speg...I don't much see the point in killin something just because it is diggin in your yard. That used to be his yard before they put a house there. If he was going to eat it I would be fine with it though. I have eatin armadillo before and I think it is pretty good.


Oppossums don't carry rabies, like raccoons, they are immune to the disease.


Originally Posted by smartorl
Oppossums don't carry rabies, like raccoons, they are immune to the disease.
I just looked it up out of curiosity....apparently raccoons are NOT immune
Is rabies an emerging infectious disease?
Yes. Largely eliminated from dogs by vaccination programs, the virus has re-emerged as a widespread problem among wild mammals, particularly raccoons, skunks, foxes, coyotes, and bats. There has also been a slight but significant rise in the annual number of cases in humans. From 1981 to 1993, the number of rabies cases ranged from 0 to 3. There were 6 cases in 1994 and 4 each in 1995, 1996, and 1997. Despite an outbreak of rabies in raccoons on the East Coast, there have been no reports of humans becoming infected by raccoons. Most of the new cases in humans involve bats.


And about the oppossum
Opossums are a mammal in the infraclass called marsupials. While All mammals are susceptible to rabies, opossums rarely get the disease. This is thought to be due to their low body temperature.
people often attribute a change in behavior to rabies. Opossums are nocturnal so people think that a change in behavior would be seeing them during the day or acting strangely is a sign of the disease, however they are actually diurnal, and it is not uncommon to see them during the day. One of the Opossums defenses is "playing possum" and they will often drool, wobble and fall over, this is just a defense and does not necessarily indicate disease. If left alone they will slowly amble off. It is best never to touch or bother a wild animal, but the risk of rabies from an Opossum is extremely small.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ryancw01
I think you did the right thing Speg...I don't much see the point in killin something just because it is diggin in your yard. That used to be his yard before they put a house there. If he was going to eat it I would be fine with it though. I have eatin armadillo before and I think it is pretty good.
That's because it isn't digging up your
yard. Tolerating wild animals tearing up your property is not something the majority folk would tolerate. Either you do not own a yard, are too young to understand the concept of paying for a yard or are the nature-loving exception (and I realize there are indeed some out there). I would be ticked.
Now, if you did me a solid and took the animal a kazillion miles away to another happy foresty place.... I would be a very happy customer and invite you in for supper.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
I just looked it up out of curiosity....apparently raccoons are NOT immune
I think the post suffered from a misplaced comma. I think it was mean to read Possums don't carry rabies like racoons do.


Originally Posted by reefraff
I think the post suffered from a misplaced comma. I think it was mean to read Possums don't carry rabies like racoons do.
could be.....I just always thought they all carried rabies...that's why I looked
you know....curiosity...............cat...........lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
could be.....I just always thought they all carried rabies...that's why I looked
you know....curiosity...............cat...........lol
What would you know about a cat?

Besides, I thougt it was Alf that killed the cat