I see now


This is got to be one of the most restrictive lamest forums around. What kind of poll only allows 2 options. Even the soft ware show 4 options as a default?????????????????


Active Member
Go away then. This site has done nothing but help me out. If you want to see changes buy more from SWF so they can increase their bandwith.:mad:

nm reef

Active Member
Turn the flames off...I have no idea what you are refering to...polls are posted all the time with numerous options...maybe you just had a difficult time posting your poll. But everybody is entitled to their opinion...however around here we try to keep flames down...unlike a few other sites.:thinking:


Active Member
NM they actually have restricted the number of options....I tried to post one after reading this forum and i could only have two options...ahh the good old days with a limit of 10!


Active Member

Originally posted by aarone
NM they actually have restricted the number of options....I tried to post one after reading this forum and i could only have two options...ahh the good old days with a limit of 10!

very true - that is very odd - sounds like a glitch ....

bang guy

Sundance... please don't go. I agree you could have worded the complaint a bit milder ;) but your feedback is valuable. I wasn't aware there were only two option available. Most of the Sharks rarely post polls so none of us would have known without your feedback.