I think I got swindled....


I just bought some more base rock....let it sit in some saltwater.....decided I would drill some holes into it for placing frag plugs. Well, when I drilled it this pasty gluey stuff came out! You can mold it, it sticks to my fingers, and is white! I'm trying to scrape it out from under my fingernails now! Does this sound like real rock to you guys? I've never drilled rock before, but I don't think the insides are like this!! I'm so annoyed!!


IDK....we drilled some of our live rock and some white mushy stuff came out....altho I didn;t play with it LOL


Active Member
I did some fragging a couple weeks ago and removal of yellow polyps, the rock looks white when you cut it


just drilled a piece of my rock that's been in my tank (from marco rocks) and a totally different consistency came out...more sandy..... It was harder to drill too....


It probably depends on the actual rock...I know I have a few different types in mine...and at the moment I could not tell you what any of them were....EXCEPT FIJI LOL


Active Member
limestone could do that, maybe. I am no expert but most rocks are mostly limestone, a soft rock. Gooey at the middle could be a consistancy, but it does sound a little hokey.


i've been in a LFS that made their own base rock out of some sort of concrete or something. they make it look cool, but just can't imagine its good for your tank