I think i'm ready


New Member
I started my fowlr tank little less than 2 months ago took my water down to the lfs to test my water and every thing was perfect and he told i was ready for show fish but i figured i would ask the experts

small triggers

Active Member
and give us the size of the tank, filtration, lighting, sump? sand? rock #'s and what are you thinking of doing with it?


New Member
ok my tank is a 30 gal octagon got about 15 LBS of live rock no sump,no special lighting ,no special filtration but he showed me all the test and where they needed to be and ervery test was perfect and how do you know if your tank is done cycling?


You really need to have your own test kits...w/o continuous testing, knowing when and if you had your ammonia spikes...there is no way to know if you have had, or are done with your cycle....what kind of filter do you have?


Well-Known Member

Originally Posted by Mgauna83
I started my fowlr
tank little less than 2 months ago took my water down to the lfs
to test my water and every thing was perfect and he told i was ready for show fish but i figured i would ask the experts
Hi there,
I peeked at your profile...I was wanted to know your tank size and all without having to ask. It says you started your tank March 24th, it is only April 4th
You’re LFS most likely used strip tests which are not very trust worthy. Two months are not two weeks, I am pretty sure you are not ready yet.
Get yourself a good marine master test kit to start. Make sure it is not too old, check its expiration date.
Sorry, I know that is disappointing and you don't want to hear that. Going very slow with a saltwater tank is going to help more than any advice you ever receive.


New Member
Flower- my tank was up and running 4-5 weeks before i found this site i think i know how long my tank has been cycling for ok and they used the marine test to check the nitrite, nitrate, amonia,PHi watch him do it


Active Member
MY GOD...Seriously..how do ANY of you actually have ANYTHING in your tank other then water..Cycle cycle cycle is all I ever here..after 2months..the STUPID TANK IS CYCLED...It does NOT take as long as some of these PEOPLE make it out to be and its really really annoying. Personally DO NOT go by alot of what these people say..most of them dont put a damn copepod in the tank 4months into it.
When i setup tanks I give them a week and then off I go with what I want and its never been a problem yet..If they water came back good then its good..WTF is the deal of 2nd guessing EVERYTHING that is done..whats the point of even being in this hobby then if its nothing but 2nd guessing and wondering if you can or not.
OMG I had my pair of true percs in my tank about 2weeks in...OMG I had my green bubble tip in my tank at about 3months...and OMGOMG I had a tricolor acro in my tank 3days after it was setup and I cant get the thing from stop growing. I am sorry but there is alot of help on forums..and other times it will do nothing but hold you back and think your not ready or not sure what your doing.


Originally Posted by 05xrunner
MY GOD...Seriously..how do ANY of you actually have ANYTHING in your tank other then water..Cycle cycle cycle is all I ever here..after 2months..the STUPID TANK IS CYCLED...It does NOT take as long as some of these PEOPLE make it out to be and its really really annoying. Personally DO NOT go by alot of what these people say..most of them dont put a damn copepod in the tank 4months into it.
When i setup tanks I give them a week and then off I go with what I want and its never been a problem yet..If they water came back good then its good..WTF is the deal of 2nd guessing EVERYTHING that is done..whats the point of even being in this hobby then if its nothing but 2nd guessing and wondering if you can or not.
OMG I had my pair of true percs in my tank about 2weeks in...OMG I had my green bubble tip in my tank at about 3months...and OMGOMG I had a tricolor acro in my tank 3days after it was setup and I cant get the thing from stop growing. I am sorry but there is alot of help on forums..and other times it will do nothing but hold you back and think your not ready or not sure what your doing.

So I guess what you are saying is that EVERYONE else is wrong and you are the only right person


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
So I guess what you are saying is that EVERYONE else is wrong and you are the only right person

seriously geez dude
It personally only took me 2 weeks to cycle my tank. I started out slow though with my cleaner package and then 1 clown fish.
Now if your getting expensive fish then I agree that I would let it cycle even longer just to avoid any slip ups.
I knew I was not getting expensive fish so that is why I went ahead with the clown.
I have read that it does take awhile for some people. I did 50% daily water changes and I think that might be the reason mine cycled so fast but some tanks DO TAKE a month or longer.
I agree with Meowzer and you need your own test kits. I cant tell you how many times I did some late night water testing. I also would not trust the pet shops test kits. There is no telling how old they are or how they care for their testing equipment.


Originally Posted by 05xrunner
Personally DO NOT go by alot of what these people say..most of them dont put a damn copepod in the tank 4months into it.
So why come back to the site and have over 2000 posts?
And nobody said don't put anything, all they were doing was asking ?'s.
How is a tank going to cycle if the LR was cured and he didn't add anything to decay? (IDk if the OP did or didn't just saying in general)
I don't care if the tank was running for 5 months, if there was nothing in the tank to start the cycle, it probably didn't.


Active Member
Originally Posted by woody189
So why come back and have over 2000 posts?
And nobody said don't put anything, all they were doing was asking ?'s.
How is a tank going to cycle if the LR was cured and he didn't add anything to decay? (IDk if the OP did or didn't just saying in general)
Yea after my tank cycled in week 2 I added the clown and about 3-4 days later I noticed faint ammonia and all that annoying stuff so I had another mini cycle for a couple days but it was nothing major. It might have been because I was feeding the clown too much..


Active Member
I stick with what i said...I personally feel people make this hobby out to be much harder then it really is..mainly because I think it makes them feel a bit more high and mighty like.."I can Keep saltwater...I am the best"
This site isnt very useful anymore..my post count was from over ayear ago when this site seemed alittle more informative..Now its pretty stale here and repetitive.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 05xrunner
I stick with what i said...I personally feel people make this hobby out to be much harder then it really is..mainly because I think it makes them feel a bit more high and mighty like.."I can Keep saltwater...I am the best"
This site isnt very useful anymore..my post count was from over ayear ago when this site seemed alittle more informative..Now its pretty stale here and repetitive.
Then go find another board that fits your "know it all" needs


Originally Posted by 05xrunner
I stick with what i said...I personally feel people make this hobby out to be much harder then it really is..mainly because I think it makes them feel a bit more high and mighty like.."I can Keep saltwater...I am the best"
This site isnt very useful anymore..my post count was from over ayear ago when this site seemed alittle more informative..Now its pretty stale here and repetitive.
Then you should state that it is only YOUR personal opinion which differs from the majority of MOST SW hobbyists....
I put a lot of time, dedication, and money in my tanks...so I choose to do it the way of the majority...THIS IS MY OPINION...


Active Member
Originally Posted by 05xrunner
have fun with your green tank
Thanks I really needed that. Its actually clear now but thank you for your concern.
Im so confused on why your so upset. I read through posts and people were asking for water testing. Why would it get under your skin so much?
Whos to say your not a lucky one and was able to get it done faster. LIke me it only took 2 weeks but some people it takes longer. Why would you want to jepordize that?


Active Member
Ammonia 0 nitrite/nitrates 0 ph stable
If you add one fish give it a week or two and you will know if its going to have a slight cycle again. Your nitrates will spike and then drop also with the ammonia. If you have been testing your water every few days since it was set up and it never did this then you need to start the cycle yourself. If you have not been testing your water it might have already cycled and passed without you knowing.
Like I stated before that is what happened with me. Things jumped and dropped within 2 weeks so I added the clown fish and then they appeared again a few days later but not as intense. I kept doing my partial water changes and within a few days it was back down again and wa la it was cycled.
Im sure there are other ways of "seeding" the tank other then a fish but I am not sure what that is. Some say put a small piece of shrimp in the tank.