I want a trigger BAD for my Reef...I need views please


Active Member
Hey Guys,
My tank is almost fully stocked...anyways i want to know what your views are on having a trigger in a reef...also what kind can i have?...should i buy adult? young?


if u really want a trigger i would buy a young niger, and only a niger they r the only one that are calm enough to place in a reef. but he still mite nip at corals and things. if u feed him good he shouldnt


Active Member
125 gallon reef.
1. Kole tang.
1. Blue Regal
1. Sail Fin
1. Naso
6. Blue Cromis
2. False Perc
2. Fire Fish
1. Mandrin
1. Purple fire fish
4. assorted gobies/jawfish
2. cbs
2. cleaner shrimp
severa small crabs
corals...23 assorted


I have a 4-5 inch Blue Throat Trigger in my reef with shrimp crabs and snails. He has not touched any of them. What I was told is that they may not eat what was in the tank when added but will eat what you add after. When I do add I add at night in the dark and so far he still has not touched anything. It is a hit or miss (50/50).
Here is the link to my tank. Now in a 180


Active Member
I have Blue Throats in two of the reef tanks I maintain and they are model citizens, they don't mess with anything. One of my clients just put a Pinktail in his reef so we shall see if that fish leaves the snails and shrimps alone.


Active Member
Should i get a really young blue throat?
can you get a mated pair?...are they more calm that way? ....or more aggressive...
also im wondering if i do get a mated pair if they would mate...because EVERYTHING in my tank is mating right now ...its werid
my clowns are mating,my firefish are, my cbs are, and my jaw fish are
its so cool


has anyone noticed this person is already overstocked with fish and that there are already 4 tangs in there?just a observation.....


Yeah I noticed that also, I didn't want to be hypocritical because I have the same amount of fish in a 175g.


yes but a 175 is much more volume and space than a 120.jer if i was you i would wait till a couple or three tangs pass away or take em back to the lhs before you add anymore fish at all.


It could work but you would have to up the water changes, have less healthy SPS and possibly other corals etc.. etc.., I learned the hard way, I would buy a fish on a whim and not plan ahead. Patience is a virtue especially in our hobby. Donnie


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jer4916
125 gallon reef.
1. Sail Fin
1. Naso
There are 20 fish in this tank!
These two fish right here get too large for a 125.I think you are asking for serious aggression/stress problems adding any more fish to this tank.


i think a 125 is ok for a naso, or a sailfin. but not both you have to plan carefully for a reef tank, and want to make sure you provide a good place for your fish to live. i dont think you should consider adding the triggers at all. if you like your shrimp and less aggressive fish like a mandarin or the firefish you should not do this. the triggers are going to either bully or kill the less aggressive fish and more than likely kill your hermits and shrimp. i know people keep triggers in their reef, but all i see people keeping in their reef is a blue throat and that is pushing it in my opinion.
its your tank and you are going to make the final decision, and I am not a member of the tang polce, but make the right choice, and make an educated choice.


Active Member
I agree, too many (and too big) fish to add any other fish at all, let alone a big messy fish like a trigger.


Active Member
If you HAVE to have a trigger go with the bluechin and cut your list down to this:
1. Kole tang
2. False Perc
6. Blue Cromis
Forget about the smaller fish and your inverts.. they are a potential dinner waiting to happen.


Active Member
I agree...you might get away with it if you exchanged it for the naso, and perhaps one other tang. But there are reasons that coral tanks tend to be relatively understocked.