Originally Posted by
crypt keeper
You placed them in your tank incorrectly IME. I dont know why you would allow this to continue to happen either. I never said its full proof. You have fish that can be butt heads. In your case you have one. If the correct steps are taken and the you see how the fish react to each other first then you can make the correct choice on what to do. You just threw two fish together and hoped for the best. Im not saying to do that. IMO the critter box is a must.
Hell catch the one in your tank now place him in a qt set up with the new guy.
Just make sure you buy a captive bred clown. They get thet disease Brook something or other. It will kill both your fish very very fast and its sad to watch.
how did i place them in the tank incorrectly? everyone i have asked has said if you're going to have a pair of clown fish you should add them together rather than one than the other? I continued this to happen until i found a solution to fix it.
I did not just throw them in the tank and hope for the best. It is not like i put them in the tank and they immediately acted aggressive. They lived in peace for a month and it became a recent problem.
what i was told to correct the problem is to get an isolation for the aggressive fish.
Im not saying that two clowns won't live in peace together, but the way everyone is trying to make it sound is that it will be completely ok with no problems and i was giving some input on my experience on what happened to my tank so other people can see this can happen.
rtlimpus i wish you the best of luck and hope everything works out!