I was attacked this morning.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
I have a 410, a hidden 22 short shot pistol (??), a 22 automatic rifle, and my husband has a sks pistol...these are just in the bedroom...SO I DARE YOU...LOL
Another reason to require all citizens to complete the CCW courses. You can be a sheep or a sheepdog.
I hope you recover quickly.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW

I think you might want to bring the spike hairdo back. You might catch more.
For those of you that can't find humor in any situation, I know a good surgeon.
I made sure to express my feelings that she was OK. Also, she was not maimed or killed, as obviously she was posting on here a few hours from the attack. The paramedics obviously looked at her and cleared her. Therefore to calm fears that must be running rampant in her mind, joking is the appropriate thing to do.
Everyone is going to give her the typical OMG!, Glad you are ok, hope you feel better, but very few will try to take a bad incident and turn it into something funny to ease her fears. Had she been hospitalized....THEN it would have been inappropriate.
I was hard on you, mostly because I had been attacked before. Humor would not help then and I didn't think it was a good thing over this.
I know you wanted to help, and I do think you’re a good person. I also think I was a bit over protective.
Here is why:
KiKi is not out of danger; the person who did this is still at large. She needs to be warned and protected by her family. Not made to feel better and try and forget because it is over.
Men who attack women, don't just knock them out, he had an agenda and this guy was fortunately interrupted.
I don't think any guy from a class did this. I doubt it is anyone she knows who has a grudge. He waited for her to come out of the house to make his move, so he was watching the house.
She doesn't need an OMG are you alright!, she needs to be warned and to be told how to take precautions.
It is a very serious situation. She should be scared; she narrowly escaped with her life this time.


Originally Posted by Flower
Here is my first line of defense. I don't even lock my doors at night.
He wont accidently shoot the wrong person, and he is good company too.
This is what I was going to say. I have 2 german shepherds that are trained in Schutzhund and personal protection. If anyone lays a hand on me, those dogs are trained to bite an hold. NO use fighting either because they will just bite harder. I own guns also, but trained dogs are more reliable and a good first line defense. Gives you time to get the gun.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by makoshrk2
This is what I was going to say. I have 2 german shepherds that are trained in Schutzhund and personal protection. If anyone lays a hand on me, those dogs are trained to bite an hold. NO use fighting either because they will just bite harder. I own guns also, but trained dogs are more reliable and a good first line defense. Gives you time to get the gun.
Atticus knows sign language so I don't even have to speak, in case someone is in the house.
I did not train him for attack, I trained him to listen to me, so I can call him off if he goes for the wrong person. He attacks all on his own.
I wont own a gun. It is an evil world we live in. How sad.


Well-Known Member

Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Try not to think....obviously you come to wrong conclusions.
Don't you know an apology when you see it?

Which of the following do you not want me to THINK?
"I do think
you’re a good person. I also think
I was a bit over protective."
Was I not being too over protective, and not wanting a joke made?
Are you in reality a bad person and not wanting to be of help some way?
you just want to argue.

Now lets end this and be nice to each other.


Please no arguing, I'm alright now.
Thank you everyone for your support and concern, I am feeling much better today :)


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by kikithemermaid
Please no arguing, I'm alright now.
Thank you everyone for your support and concern, I am feeling much better today :)
Arguing stopped, glad you are feeling better.


Active Member
Wow I am sorry you had to go through that and I am glad you are ok. Make sure you do not go out alone for the time being. I know that can be a hassle but I bet they watched your BF leave and waited for you. Unless there have been similar attacks in your area it sounds as if they were after you for some reason. It may not be whom you would ever suspect. Many times women are followed be crazy people that become obsessed. He may have been scared off before he could have violated you even further. I hope you are well and safe in the future. As for guns, I am a huge advocate of the right to carry, but they are not going to do you any good if you do not see the person coming and they can do you more harm than good if the perp gets their hands on your weapon. Set up a security cam as mentioned and monitor the people in that area. Also get out of that class and into another one if you can? That sounds like a strange situation. Stay safe.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Flower
Don't you know an apology when you see it?

Which of the following do you not want me to THINK?
"I do think
you’re a good person. I also think
I was a bit over protective."
Was I not being too over protective, and not wanting a joke made?
Are you in reality a bad person and not wanting to be of help some way?
you just want to argue.

Now lets end this and be nice to each other.
Dont bother, he's an ass


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
Dont bother, he's an ass
He is just young I guess, and the argument is over.
Actually he reminds me of my youngest son (29yrs old) He can argue with himself for 20 minutes before he even realizes it. He has A.D.D, Life is tough for him.
Darth just wants to be the funny guy and make friends, just like my Nick. I hope this response to you doesn't start him a new tirade.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Flower, I know this is not a random incident. But from wht I gathered in this, the guy hit her with a bat, and that was it...she got knocked out and no further attacks ensued. The house was not broken into, nothing was taken, nd the assailant did not want it known who it was that did this, so there was no message to convey. This leads me to believe the odds of it occurring again are slim.
However, what if this was a message to your boyfriend kiki? Anyone he make mad or owe money too possibly?


Originally Posted by Flower
Atticus knows sign language so I don't even have to speak, in case someone is in the house.
I did not train him for attack, I trained him to listen to me, so I can call him off if he goes for the wrong person. He attacks all on his own.
I wont own a gun. It is an evil world we live in. How sad.

I have 3 pure bred Akitas, all the security I need.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Flower, I know this is not a random incident. But from wht I gathered in this, the guy hit her with a bat, and that was it...she got knocked out and no further attacks ensued. The house was not broken into, nothing was taken, nd the assailant did not want it known who it was that did this, so there was no message to convey. This leads me to believe the odds of it occurring again are slim.
However, what if this was a message to your boyfriend kiki? Anyone he make mad or owe money too possibly?

I lived many years in the city. Men do not just hit a woman with a bat and run. Weather it was an attempted robbery, an attempted (uhm physical assault)or attempted murder. The guy was most likely scared off. Also he was watching the house to hit her.
He wasn't just wondering around to see who he could hit with a bat. Normal people do not get "even" with a woman by hitting them with bats, they may try and kill her that way, but just teaching a lesson, I don't think so.
You get "even" with prank calls, keying their car, or putting sugar in the gas tank type of stuff.
I am sure she is safe now, her family and boyfriend will be on high alert for now. She needs to make a more secure arrangement that will last. The big bad dog idea is the best defense, even a small dog will alert you to a prowler hanging around. Only problem is a puppy takes time to grow.
Security cameras will help, but only if a watchman is keeping tabs, ready to assist. Otherwise you just see what happened after the fact, which could be too late.


Active Member
I'm just not convinced a stalker sits around on the front porch with a baseball bat waiting until his victim comes outside in broad daylight.
This sounds more random to me.


I'm not agreeing or disagreeing...BUTU she may have happened upon something...You know....wrong place wrong time type of thing


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
I'm not agreeing or disagreeing...BUTU she may have happened upon something...You know....wrong place wrong time type of thing
I think we better quit before we scare the poor girl out of her mind. If I haven't already.


I am scared, but trying not to let it overwhelm me. I had a very scary, not family friendly phone call back in December, don't know if it's related.
DarthTang-I don't think anyone's after my boyfriend either.