I was attacked this morning.


Active Member
What do you think was the motive though? Who does that?
You dont ICE SKATE do you?
Im glad you live to tell about it!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
You dont ICE SKATE do you?
i asked the same question, but after thinking about it i edited it...didn't feel right making a joke about it. i guess i'm not the only person thinking about that though..


Active Member
Originally Posted by kikithemermaid
Went to take the garbage out at 7 am, man with a baseball bat was waiting outside for me and knocked me out. Taken to ER because they thought I might have been assaulted, but OK. Very shaken up, but wasn't able to give good ID because he was wearing sunglasses.

CSI is at my house.
Kiki, do you live alone? Do you normally leave at the same time?
This just seems so weird... Any issue with gangs or mentally unstable homeless people in the neighborhood?


Thanks everyone. There are a bunch of guys in my scuba diving classes at college that don't like me, tell me to F off a lot because I'm the only girl and they think it should be a guy only class. That's all I can think of. I live with my boyfriend but he had just left for work an hour earlier. Neighbors saw no one.
Please, no one fight over joke-making. Laughing makes me feel better sometimes, though I know today I could very well been seriously injured.


be careful, sounds like someone is out to get you. thats f'd up, get a big dog or a gun and find out who it is!


Active Member
Originally Posted by kikithemermaid
Please, no one fight over joke-making. Laughing makes me feel better sometimes, though I know today I could very well been seriously injured.
well darn!! i honestly HAD asked if you ice skated but edited it...now i'm the unoriginal one that is claiming to have asked it :p


Active Member
Originally Posted by kikithemermaid
Thanks everyone. There are a bunch of guys in my scuba diving classes at college that don't like me, tell me to F off a lot because I'm the only girl and they think it should be a guy only class.
Seriously? What a bunch of tools! When I learned to dive about half the class was women. There is no way that the instructor should allow that kind of behavior.


Originally Posted by DragonZim
Seriously? What a bunch of tools! When I learned to dive about half the class was women. There is no way that the instructor should allow that kind of behavior.
My instructor is very sexist as well.


Active Member
That is terrible. Thankfully you seem to be OK.
It pisses me off that such a cowardly person will likely get away with this b/c there's no good way to ID him. I wonder the same thing as everybody else... if the guy was waiting then it definitely seems premeditated. If he didn't rob you and didn't try to abduct or do anything else to you then why would someone do this?
Anyway, feel better.


Originally Posted by crimzy
It pisses me off that such a cowardly person will likely get away with this b/c there's no good way to ID him. I wonder the same thing as everybody else... if the guy was waiting then it definitely seems premeditated. If he didn't rob you and didn't try to abduct or do anything else to you then why would someone do this?
there seems to be more to this story, we dont have all the facts....part of it is missing. Noone waits at a garbage area in daylight to hit someone without reason. I wont pass judgement on the OP or the batter until more is posted.


Crazy story. I would get a security camera and a new gun
. Glad you are OK, could have been much worse...wonder if something scared him off? Hard to believe his only intention was to hit someone with a bat...unless some kind of gang initiation
. Again, glad to hear you are ok.


My dog started barking.
Originally Posted by JDL
there seems to be more to this story, we dont have all the facts....part of it is missing. Noone waits at a garbage area in daylight to hit someone without reason. I wont pass judgement on the OP or the batter until more is posted.
What's OP? What do you mean until more is posted? I do need some privacy.
You won't pass judgement on the batter?! He could have killed me.


Originally Posted by kikithemermaid
My dog started barking.
What's OP? What do you mean until more is posted? I do need some privacy.
you are the OP. More posted meaning the entire story. There is no way some guy just waited for you in daylight to hit you with a bat randomly. drugs


Originally Posted by kikithemermaid
You won't pass judgement on the batter?! He could have killed me.
if he wanted you dead, you would be dead. You may be completely innocent then yes the batter is a horrible person. But you may have sold his 5 year old son crack telling him it was candy, then you deserve what happened. Like i said, i cant pass judgement on you or him until the full story is told, which i doubt will ever happen. Good luck in your journey.


Originally Posted by JDL
if he wanted you dead, you would be dead. You may be completely innocent then yes the batter is a horrible person. But you may have sold his 5 year old son crack telling him it was candy, then you deserve what happened. Like i said, i cant pass judgement on you or him until the full story is told, which i doubt will ever happen. Good luck in your journey.
Sold drugs?! Who are you? I hope you get banned.


Originally Posted by kikithemermaid
Sold drugs?! Who are you? I hope you get banned.
get banned because i am not gooing all over you like everyone else? Sorry, but your story seems lacking and there seems more to it which you arent telling.
I find it hard to believe someone randomly picked you to lay out with a baseball bat in daylight for no reason. You or your BF did something to someone at some point.