

Active Member
Can you tell me who makes that product?
I just resent the email to you.
You can buy the Stop Parasite in most stores, but I thought that was too obvious. I thought you were asking me where to find it because you could not find it in stores...


Active Member
Hm, I see here that that product has an active ingriedient of malachite green. That could definitely stress your fish out.
Malachite Green's toxicity is temperature and pH dependent, being more toxic with rising temperature and lower pH. One surprising item re Malachite use is its inactivation (oxidation) with exposure to light. Malachite Green treated systems should have their lights turned off. I have rarely seen this mentioned with product labels or inserts.
Malachite Green should be utilized in a separate treatment tank as it is quickly absorbed by detritus, natural gravels... most all plastics.
Unfortunately, Malachite Green is suspected of being a carcinogen as well as teratogen (a chemical that can alter DNA make-up), and respiratory poison. It is NOT to be used lightly (Fenner).


anything else you would recomend? I don't have a QT so i want to get rid of this ick how ever I can in the main tank. I do have a little plastic med tank that hangs over the edge. But I think thats way to small


Active Member
Well without a QT tank, the only thing I could recommend that would be safe and effective is the Parasite Stop. I definitely recommend running some carbon though to get that malachite green out of the water.


Active Member
He should be. What are you feeding the fish?
Definitely start running carbon. As I said, malachite green is more toxic in lower pH's. Because your pH is a bit lit, the malachite green is going to be more toxic in your tank than normal.


ok I cot my carbon back in. How do I raise my PH, I have been battling low ph since I start this tank.


ok I bought some kent garlic stuff to soak the food in. I hope this helps. I also bought something called proper ph 8.2 it is supposed to maintain your ph at 8.2 have you ever heard of this? I am looking for a little input before I use it,


Active Member
I would not use proper pH until you figure out why it is low. I would test your calcium level next, and then test all the levels on a batch of newly made up saltwater to see what that is giving you. Let the salt aerate and dissolve for 24 hours and test the pH, alkalinity, and calcium of your newly made up saltwater at 1.024.