

I just hope I can get my tank back under control. Its foggy now as well. It was doing ok untill one of the lfs guys told me squirt this in there add this. and now its all messed up


Active Member
This LFS is definitely steering you wrong. First, the Ick Guard was not even for saltwater, and then they sell you something with malachite green in it. Ugh!
Well, keep running the carbon. I would probably switch the carbon every 3 to 4 days at first just to make sure you are getting most of the stuff out of the water.


Active Member
I have heard and helped people with a lot of problems involving Instant Ocean and pH/alk/calcium. I am expecting that to be the problem, but we will see when you post the levels. It is vital though that you do not test the newly made up water until the salinity is 1.024, temp is 81, and it has been aerated for 24 hours. That is the only way you will get totally accurate results. Just pretend as if you were getting ready to put this water into your tank and you were making it up for your next water change.


Active Member
Definitely a refractometer is needed to test for salinity. That is one of the most important tools any aquarist could own, IMO.


I didn't make a seperate batch yet. I have to buy another heater. I only have the one in my tank. After soakng the food in the garlic the ich is almost gone off my tang. My clown fish is still acting kind of funny. How long does it take for all that stuff to filter out of my water? I put brand new filters in


by that I mean the carbon, and I am about out of salt. Should I go ahead and buy different salt then Instant ocean?


all my fish stay in hinding most of the time right now. Its not a very active tank right now. How long will this take to fix? I do not want them to die on me


Active Member
It should filter out relatively quick. Like I said, change the carbon every 3 to 4 days to make sure it is at its peak of effectiveness.
I would use the same salt until you figure out that it is indeed the salt that is a problem. It is not the greatest thing to change salts. It is okay to do it when you absolutely need to, but it could cause problems if you do it frequently.
As long as you are monitoring water parameters, keeping up on frequent feeding AND frequent water changes, changing the carbon, the fish should be fine.


Lion, thank you so much for your help. it looks like the ich is just about gone off my tang. My fish are out and swimming around again. I bought RO water and I am no longer using tap. Got a better diet for them. Now I am just going to get this PH issue under control. (with your help of course.. hehe) once again thanks a alot!!


Hate to jump in on a thread but I have having a similar problem with ich. I had it a few weeks ago in a 220 FOWLR tank and treted the tank the kick ich. I thought I had it beat but over the last several days the ich has returned with a vengence. I have ordered 64oz of parasite stop to treat the tank that should arrive Monday. I am really wondering if Parastie Stop will cure the ich problem or just slap a band-aid on it. I have a powder blue tang that is heavily infected but is still eating. With 240+ lbs of LR in the tank there is no way to catch him. I have a 55gl QT tank but to catch everyone in the tank to let the tank cycle through the ich for 6 weeks woud be interesting to say the least. If Parasite Stop does not work, i will have no other options.


Active Member
Mrme, anytime! That is what I am here for. You also have my email; use it anytime you would like or need.
Bad Ole Ross, Stop Parasites works a whole lot better than Kick Ich. There are two things to keep in mind though. Stop Parasite is only effective if you have the proper dosing. KNOW your ALK and pH! Also, your powder blue got ich for a reason. It is not random. If you do not correct the reason (poor water quality, improper diet, stress, harrassment, etc.) the fish will not get rid of the ich permanently.


Lion, I just wanted to say thanks for all your help!
My fish are swimming all around again, the tang looks like he got rid of the ich. My friend just gave me a heater so I can warm up a second bucket of water. So I can get this PH under control! (of course with your help


I have my water in a bucket now. My friend gave me his old heater. I have to buy more test kits. the only thing I have is a ph and an ammonia test kit. For some reason it is showing amonia in my new batch of water. I bought some from the store that I am useing.


ok it looks like my PH has gonw up. and my ammonia went down to 0 i believe. Looks like part of my problem is not enough flow, and I never did put the power head in the water or heater before i added water. this step seems to make it alot better.


Active Member
Good, I am glad to hear it is improving. The powerhead and heater is definitely neccessary, and should help quite a bit. You need to test the kH or alkalinity of the make-up water as well to make sure your salt is giving you a proper alk.


I have to buy a alk tester, I am out. As far as the ammonia goes. I am going to retest it because it says wait 20 mins. Well I went to a movie so i was go to long. (forgot about it) came home and it showed ammonia. I am going to retest. Why would my fresh bucket of water show more amonia then in my tank?