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My LFS owner, whom I have mentioned before is a marine biologist and a nanoscientist.
He says that the ick protozoan exists everywhere in the ocean and it attacks fish that are injured or stressed. A normal, healthy fish will be able, in most cases, to shed the ick.
That is why Chem Marin often works, it increased the slime coat and enables the fish to shed the ick. Anyway, he quarantines his new fish and gives them copper dips.
What usually causes the breakout is that fish are extremely stressed over the capturing, bagging shipping etc and reach our tanks in a pretty sorry state of panic.
If your original tank is clean-and your fish are treated prior to being placed in your tank, it is unlikely you will have an outbreak. Back to your question. Usually ick shows up quickly if a fish is infected because of the stress of moving it.
Make sure your QT tank has some hiding places for your new fish or they will panic even more!
Correct, in the ocean healthy fish will fight off the parasites. Our tanks are closed systems though. The fish can not swim away from the parasites. They are in an enclosed box with the parasites. If the parasites are not introduced into the tank then the fish will not get ich at a later time. Ich is not caused by stress. It has to be introduced into the system. If the fish are quarantined then the display will remain free of parasites.