ich attack please help : (

What other fish than a good ole powder blue to assure you taht you have parasites in the tank. A week after I put him in he breaks out with serious ich. Immediately I do about a 25% water change and start treating with no ich.. what a help this was >>>>> NOT :O( So in a desperate attempt to save this lil guy i went and bought two cleaner shrimp/ garlic to feed with and a Uv sterilizer on the way. In the mornings he seemed to be better then after the day goes on... boom it breaks out again. Well thats a hundred dollar fish at risk but now it gets worse :( My blue hippo tang has broken out also .... I'm doin everything possible but now what is my next step. I'm in desperate need of doing something or these guys aren't going ot make it.... Do you suggest a fresh water dip? I know this won't get rid of the parasites in my tank but it might help buy time right? Any help would be great. Thanks
I'm knew to this so bare with me.. I was told Hardness does not matter in sw so here is others from my mardel test strip kit ... ( All I have for now )
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 30
ph 7
total alkalinity/buffering 150
Water temp 79.5
These are all I have.. I hope this helps


you need to put your fish in a QT and treat with either HYPO or copper(be careful with copper as some fish cant handle it ). you can also hypo the dt to assure the ich wont return but then you'll have to remove your lr and inverts . leaving the DT fallow for two months should also rid the ich as they wont have a host to feed on a eventually die ..lesson to be learned here...QT,QT,QT....please dont tell me you just dumped a power blue in your DT without QT!!!
The guy at the fs told me that it might stress him out more to put him in qt and then dt. Said it would be ok to bring him home to the dt as long as there were no problems with anything in there. Until now there was no problems with anything. I floated and added water every five minutes to the bag then released him without water to the tank. I only have a ten gallon for qt ... Is this big enough for the two of them? At this point what am I to do to help tonight? Anything? What is hypo?


hypo is hyposalinity which is lowering your salinity to 1.009 . there is no "quick cure " that will rid the ich tonight. all those OTC medication are useless . copper and hypo are the two effective treatments. lookup Beths posts in the desease and treatments forum where she describes different methods on how to deal with ich . a 10 gallon tank is pushing it .. I would go with no less than a 20g tank. if the fiah a small you can start with the 10g but get a 20g or larger asap! Use water from the dt to start the qt and begin hypo immediatley. (see Beths postings)
Is it ok to dip these two fish or are they too sensitive beings both of them are have very high care levels. I have a tub of fresh water ready to go in... wondered if a two minute dip would be good or no?
I have about seven snails (assorted) a crab two cleaner shrimp naso tang two clowns horshoe crab the two sick fish. (Powder blue and hippo) ... Oh and about three inch bed of live sand and 100 lb of live rock I have about 25 percent of the water removed right now and i'm ready to add the new fresh water to lower the salinity. Should I dip these two or just add the fresh water for now... qt is out of the picture tonight :( work early and already up way to late.....


Originally Posted by SHORTBUSLDTANG
I have about seven snails (assorted) a crab two cleaner shrimp naso tang two clowns horshoe crab the two sick fish. (Powder blue and hippo) ... Oh and about three inch bed of live sand and 100 lb of live rock I have about 25 percent of the water removed right now and i'm ready to add the new fresh water to lower the salinity. Should I dip these two or just add the fresh water for now... qt is out of the picture tonight :( work early and already up way to late.....
You cannot drop the salinity with all of the rocks and inverts in there. You will kill all of them and cause a massive ammonia spike. So there are only three fish in your display? Set up a quarantine tank for them. You can FW dip them. Be certain that the PH and temp match the display EXACTLY. Dip them each for 3-5 minutes. You must watch them the entire time. If they start to stress out too much then you have to get them out of there. It is normal for them to appear a little disoriented at first, but should act normal within a minute.
so the guy above that said to lower the saliinity / hypo was wrong? I already ahve about 25% of the water out and ready to put new fresh water in... What should i do?


Originally Posted by SHORTBUSLDTANG
so the guy above that said to lower the saliinity / hypo was wrong? I already ahve about 25% of the water out and ready to put new fresh water in... What should i do?
Hypo is correct, but only if you have no LR and inverts in the tank. What should you do? Do you have water mixed for a change? If not then mix some to add tommorow.


Originally Posted by SHORTBUSLDTANG
so the guy above that said to lower the saliinity / hypo was wrong? I already ahve about 25% of the water out and ready to put new fresh water in... What should i do?
If you noticed in my thread , I said if you decide to hypo the DT you need to remove the LR and Inverts. see below
you need to put your fish in a QT and treat with either HYPO or copper(be careful with copper as some fish cant handle it ). you can also hypo the dt to assure the ich wont return but then you'll have to remove your lr and inverts .
I didn't see that part of the post. So far I have found one of my crabs dead. I think more than likely my cleaners also kicked the can :( So last night I took my salinity from 1.025 to 1.019 ... is it ok to do another water adjustment to take the salinity down to the desired 1.009 or is two not enough? Will my snails, live rock and starfish be ok? Anyone ?


the last level should be lowered over 48 hours with a seried of small water changes... It should not be done in two big changes
The only creatures that can survive hypo are your fish so if you leave any inverts (including you star) and rock in a hypo tank they will die
if you asking if your rocks and inverts are already dead it might be a toss up
they could survive but if you continue to drop the levels they will not survive


Originally Posted by jamiegrl
the last level should be lowered over 48 hours with a seried of small water changes... It should not be done in two big changes
The only creatures that can survive hypo are your fish so if you leave any inverts (including you star) and rock in a hypo tank they will die
if you asking if your rocks and inverts are already dead it might be a toss up
they could survive but if you continue to drop the levels they will not survive
I very much agree here. The rock is not dead at 1.019, but your inverts will not last long at that level. They certainly will not survive hyposalinity treatment.


New Member
Has anyone tried pimafix? Its supposed to knock out the ick and is safe for all (need to remove the carbon).


if this really worked no one would bother QT fish for a month under hypo or copper ! or there wouldnt be thousands of threads on the net discussing the best way to kill ich ....most " quick cure" meds are fools gold. The two current effective treatments are hypo and copper. or you can leave your tank fallow for 8-10 weeks.
Well after a few nights I now have my water salinity down to 1.016 ... The fish seem to be doin. I hae also started treating the water as well as the fish food with garlic. I did find one of my cleaner shrimp alive
So now I have everything but fish, live rock and sand out of my tank. Everything else is in my small ten gallon. I've had some people tell me to keep working salinity down to 1.009 and others say keep it where it's at. Suggestions? Anything new that I need to do? I also talked to a guy from an eight number on the back of my garlic bottle ( any help is awesome
) He said that formalin will help out a ton with the ich / parasites. Like I said before... Any suggestions from here? Fish are eating and still have ich but doesn't seem as bad. Thank god for this forum :)