ich? cloudy eyes

phoenix az

New Member
my volitan lion had ick about a week ago and i treated it and he got better and returned to normal behavior. his eyes were cloudy during it but then they almost completely cleared up untill this morning. now they are really cloudy again? can anyone tell me what i should do


Active Member
Sounds like a secondary bacterial infection, common with ich. My concern is that you say the fish had ich a week ago and you treated it. There is no effective treatment for ich that works in a week. How exactly did you treat the illness? My sense is the fish still has the parasite and you'll see a recurrence of the symptoms soon.

phoenix az

New Member
with this bottle of ich attack. i took out the carbon filter and have added the recomended dose daily. should i put the carbon filter back in? how much longer should i treat it for? should i do a water change and then continue to treat again? will ich attack hurt my other fish in the tank who don't have it?


Active Member
That's strange... you rarely see ich on lionfish. As far as the cloudy eyes, I would just make sure that you keep the water quality up and the eyes should get better on their own.

phoenix az

New Member
well he has tiny white dots on the clear parts of his fins. i just did a water test recently everything was at 0. maybe I should do another. will the other fish be ok with ich attack in there?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Phoenix Az
well he has tiny white dots on the clear parts of his fins. i just did a water test recently everything was at 0. maybe I should do another. will the other fish be ok with ich attack in there?
Most lions have white spots on their fins. Like Crimzy said, I've never seen ich on a lion They usually have great immune systems and slime coats.; but that doesn't mean it isn't there; especially in the gills. If you don't see ich on your other fish, I doubt its in your tank. If you followed the directions on the med, the fish should be fine; IMO, most of these products don't even hurt the ich parasite...but I guess the jury is still out on all the new ich meds. It should be easy to remove with carbon. BTW: I'm not dismissing the possibility of ich; it can disappear, then re-appear in much larger numbers. I'd suggest you read the thread in the disease section; a good understanding of this parasite's life-cycle is vital for any hobbiest. https://www.saltwaterfish.com/vb/showthread.php?t=127007


lion fish hardly ever get ich and if the do they have great slime coats that they can kinda shake off. what have you been feeding him and what tank mates mine has gotten white eyes before but i blamed that on a mean trigger and when the trigger went away he got better. try a little fresh crushed garlic this will also help with immune system stuff.


Active Member

Lionfish get ick... this is mine. I also saw a couple of spots on the eyes of my dwarf when I got him in. The volitan is fine... that was abvout 6 months ago. Everything that has gills can carry ick.... lions with their shedding has an easier time battling it off the skin.
They definately get bacterial infections from it...targetting the eyes. But they also get a cloudy appearance each time they shed. My guy shed everyday while being treated. Everyday his eye was cloudy just before he shed and then it was fine until he got ready to shed the next day.

phoenix az

New Member
This is him he's looking pale. it's almost like it's going through a cycle he was looking 95 percent better than he got like this again today. I have been using a bottle of ich attack. the only other fish i have is a red dottyback but he seems to be fine and untouched. he never picks on the lion he's actually afraid of him. I feed the lion everything. I've fed him canned tuna, minos, goldfish, krill, silversides, hotdogs. he's a bottomless pit and will eat anything. he's being kept in about a 35 gallon tank. I really want him to be ok all help is apreciated.


lol, and here I thought I've heard everything. Feed hotdogs to lionfish?
Not that canned tuna wasn't funny enough.

phoenix az

New Member
I'm not going to lie he had second thoughts about the hot dog but he gulped up a half of a hot dog. I thought canned tuna would be good for him? I mean i eat it and it says it has protein. hey at least it's a varried diet right? maybe when he feels better ill take some pics/vids of him eating it. anyways any body know what I should do? what direction should i take to get him back to normal health


Lions most certainly CAN get ich. From your pictures and description, I would say that the diet is the big issue here. Your lion has no spots, according to the pictures.
The diet is the worst that I have ever seen, to be quite honest. You cannot feed human food (if you can call it that) to marine fish. I am not even going to bother with the nutrition facts on what you have been feeding...
Pick up some frozen silversides. If the lion will eat a hot dog then he will eat anything. Pick up some frozen combination foods. I feed my fish Marine Supreme by Pro Salt. There are many other great combination foods out there.


I don't doubt that the lion ate these things. But they are extremely unhealthy. Never feed human processed foods to your fish, foods that have stuff added like spices, preservatives and so on. What you need to feed your lion are: raw uncooked shrimp, raw scallops, raw squid, silversides, krill. That's it. Just alternate between these things, feeding every other day. You can even soak these foods in some marine fish vitamins like selcon.

phoenix az

New Member
I'm not sure what it is. I only fed him canned tuna twice and a hot dog once over 3 months ago. other than that he eats minos silversides and krill. He's looking pretty bad today and the little dottyback is too. I don't think it could be diet if they're both getting this way and all the red dottyback has aten is krill. I just got him about a week ago. I set up a quarantine place for them last night at 2 in the morning when they looked like they were trying to swim out of the tank hitting the top. right now there in a 10 gallon plastic ben on my kitchen counter. I mixed fresh new water with RO like usual. they're lookin really bad. the lions fins are actually tearing apart. this has happened one time before when he wasn't sick just in 1 spot though and it healed right up but now it's a lot worse. the lil red dottyback looks pretty bad too.I did a water test last night and my ph was at 7.8 nitrites nitrates and amonia were all at 0 ppm what could be happening I don't think they can make it much longer in all honesty I'm surprised they made it this far.

phoenix az

New Member
unfortunately the red dottyback just passed away. I'm doing all I can for them I just have no idea what to do. I hope frank wins his fight.


he's a bottomless pit and will eat anything. he's being kept in about a 35 gallon tank. I really want him to be ok all help is apreciated.
A VOLITAN in a 35gallon tank to small get a smaller species or get a bigger tank. You do know that this fish is going to be about a foot in length right?
Your next problem is the diet as stated before should consist of saltwater meaty foods it will love silversides, but mix it up krill, and any pretty much any other ocean food. How often do you feed it overfeeding is very common with these fish and will kill it eventually. I feed mine every three days and still watch out because it will continue to eat if I let it. They can go longer without food, Good luck! Im not an expert, but have learned from my own mistakes I was overfeeding mine when I got him and it developed hlle now I am feeding as stated abouve and treating his food with vitamins and he is almost healed up. Basically to put it blunt continue his past diet= sick/dead fish Fix the problem and you can still have a long lived healthy fish.


Active Member
A VOLITAN in a 35gallon tank to small get a smaller species or get a bigger tank. You do know that this fish is going to be about a foot in length right?
Your next problem is the diet as stated before should consist of saltwater meaty foods it will love silversides, but mix it up krill, and any pretty much any other ocean food. How often do you feed it overfeeding is very common with these fish and will kill it eventually. I feed mine every three days and still watch out because it will continue to eat if I let it. They can go longer without food, Good luck! Im not an expert, but have learned from my own mistakes I was overfeeding mine when I got him and it developed hlle now I am feeding as stated abouve and treating his food with vitamins and he is almost healed up. Basically to put it blunt continue his past diet= sick/dead fish Fix the problem and you can still have a long lived healthy fish.
Good advice. IME & IMO: lions will live a long, healthy life if simple needs are met. A varied diet of the right foods, no over-feeding, added vitamins, enough room, and no triggers (etc) harassing them.

phoenix az

New Member
I don't see how it could possible be the diet considering all the red dotty ate was krill which is suppose to be good for them and he passed away already.


I want to make it clear I don't want you to think I am bashing you just trying to help and everyone else that has posted im sure just wants to help you as well. You said all he ate was krill If all you ate was spinach for example it is a healthy food for humans, but you also need other things to eat you have to mix up the diet and feed a variety I mix my food all together I have a mixture of krill, silversides, mysis shrimp, table shrimp, a little garlic powder (helps immune system), and I add vitamin supplements (not a necessity). You can feed gociery store food if you only feed saltwater species and I make sure it says wild caught as well.