Ich has found a way in....



Do u guys uv sterilizers in your tank? Heard they only kill parasites that go thru them? So if parasite does not go near its pointless. Should I get one?


Active Member
No, we stopped using them a few years back. You're right, it will catch a few of the parasites, but not all and not enough, IMO, for it to be useful. We tried it on "The Tank 'O Death". We tried everything on that tank..... :-/
They are using them on some Jacuzzi's now-a-days, instead of chlorine.


Meowzers I know they can not tell diffrance I was just curious if paying $50 to $100 for one is worth it


I don't mean to jack this thread but u guys seem to know ur ******** If I was to build a light in a canopy and put fans on it do I want fans blowing into canopy or blowing hot air out?
this is a family site no cussing please


Finally done...I went and bout a 20g. Then filled with with 16 gallons from my DT, which runs about 1.021. I then Topped the tank off with straight RO water. Then added about 5.5 teaspoons of Copper. Salinity was about 1.013. I then had to remove about 80lbs of LR to get all the fish out. One by one I added them to the QT. Refilled the DT with new water, cleaned it...now it's sitting. QT seems to be running good. No tang chases happening.
How long did you say my DT needs to remain fishless?


6-8 weeks
so you took the fish out of 1.021 water and added them to what????? and why are you using copper if you are doing hyposalinity?


Active Member
i too left the dt without fish for two months ,treated the fish in qt and it came back.you just have to be paranoid of ich these days.my ich came in on some corals.fought it for a year and a half

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Unless we have the suspected parasite examined under a microscope we can never be sure that what has been introduced into our tanks is ick or parasites that mimic ick. Remember every white spot on our fish that is caused by a parasite is not ick . an these other parasites can and do have much longer life cycles


Originally Posted by deejeff442 http:///forum/thread/387317/ich-has-found-a-way-in/20#post_3407568
i too left the dt without fish for two months ,treated the fish in qt and it came back.you just have to be paranoid of ich these days.my ich came in on some corals.fought it for a year and a half
See this is what bothers me. I keep my DT fish free, abusing my fish in a QT for so long just to put them back in the DT to get Ich again. I believe my tangs are starting to fight each other. I'm almost ready to put one back in the DT. He is free of Ich at this point.


I had to put one tang back in...they were fighting too bad. I took this risk for two reasons. Waiting 6/8 weeks still is no guarantee ich will not return when I put fish back in. Other is, I rather take that chance and HOPE he does not get it again than have him in a QT getting beat to crap for 6/8 weeks. I did not have an additional system. If this tang can go a week w/out ich returning to him, I will put the other one back. They are both totally ich free as of today. Copper and hypo worked wonders. I am going to do a 25% water change on the QT this evening.


Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe http:///forum/thread/387317/ich-has-found-a-way-in/20#post_3407588
Unless we have the suspected parasite examined under a microscope we can never be sure that what has been introduced into our tanks is ick or parasites that mimic ick. Remember every white spot on our fish that is caused by a parasite is not ick . an these other parasites can and do have much longer life cycles
Our scrapings were sent to a lab when we couldn't figure out why it would reappear. It was Ich.