I had a breakout of Ich and Marine Velvet just before Christmas. I lost all my fish (Clown trigger, Power Blue Tang, Emperor Angel, Flame Angel, Spiny Puffer, Hippo Tang, Banded Butterfly, and another Butterfly) except one Yellow Tang and a Damsel. I've been treating my fish only tank (180) with cupramine at 6 ppm for just over a week. The Tang looks great - color is back and fins have healed up. I've noticed little bug-like creatures on the side of the tank. I'm assuming they are Ich in the swimming stage... They look like little bugs when they dart across the tank for about 1/2 half to 1 inch at a time. Does anyone have any input that these are another breakout of my Ich? It seems a little strange since my copper levels are at 6 ppm.