Ich?? Need help! PLEASE


i have a young Blue hippo Tang and it has been developing white spots. They have been getting worse and worse. I do have two cleaning shrimp and i have seen it go to them to get cleaned. Today the spots seem to be getting a little better. The first time I saw the spots was almost two weeks ago. None of the other fish have it. I have a small tank that i was thinking about taking water out of the DT (75 gallon) and put the tang in that so that i can treat it with copper safe.
Would anyone recommend any other ideas? I really like that fish and want to do anything i can do to help it. I have stopped feeding the occasional flake food (I know I should stay away from it) and started a strict diet of frozen foods and dried Green Marine Algae.
I cannot get him to stand still to so that I could get a picture.
Please help.


What otehr fish are in your tank? You do realize that even though you may not see the ich on the other fish...the whole tank is now infected
How big (or small) is your spare tank? Is it big enough to qt all your fish for 6 weeks? and leave the DT empty so the ich will die off from lack of fish to feed off???


No actually the spare tank is only a 10 Gallon tank. The blue tang is a very small tang it is less than an inch and a half long. I also have 3 fire fish and two blue green chromises. The Blue tang was my new purchase I had it in a quarantine tank for four weeks after I got it. Everything was good in that tank so two weeks ago I moved it into my 75 gallon tank. He seems very healthy but I can see the spots.


Do you have any vitamins? Try garlic, selcon, vita chem....it can help the fish to build an immune system....BUT you will always have ich in your system....any stress will (or can) bring it out