Id anyone? and a full tank shot it's 6 mo.!!!


So I have this cute little white star shape (starfish?) but it looks like it's made out of tiny soap bubbles. comes out at night when I can find it.
it's smaller than a dime, and it moves very slowly into a hole in the rock when the lights come on. I do have a serpent and a brittle star. Any ideas? It has the shape of a star but moves like a slug it's very odd. any way here are a few pics, and a full tank shot, my tank is now 6 mo. old.



Active Member
Asterina starfish. Harmless but will sometimes become a bother in amount you may have. I suck them out at water change myself and there is always some in ther.


yes, I was wondering if it was a star or not it moves so slow and is so tiny, so far I have only seen one, or if it's not the same one there are not many, I have only seen it twice. If it will not harm anything then I'll leave it.
Thanks for the reply!


Spanko I love that avatar, is that from your tank?
reminds me of Alice in wonderland with the big caterpillar sitting on the toadstool lol.


Well-Known Member
I agree... it's an astrina starfish... they divide once every 3 months... you probably have quite a few you haven't yet noticed.


Well-Known Member
I never said they were a problem! They are actually quite beneficial and eat detritus and algae in your system. Not so much that you don't need a clean-up-crew, but definately not something you just want to pick out and throw away. They will reach a peak population and then die off and stay at that level unless a new condition is introduced. (just like what we humans will do one day!)


I know you didn't say they were a prob. there was just another comment about them getting to have large numbers. I would rather not remove anything from my tank unless it has to be done to save another life. if it's not a prob I just figure it's part of the miracle of the whole underwater life kinda thing. I keep finding new things all the time it's so awesome, I didn't put them there, they just are.
I just like to know what they are so when someone asks me I know, and look smart!!


Active Member
Yes my avatar is my Tailspot blenny Ecsenius stigmatura living inside a barnacle shell that is on top of a piece of PVC pipe that he can go into under the sand.


Originally Posted by spanko
Yes my avatar is my Tailspot blenny Ecsenius stigmatura
living inside a barnacle shell that is on top of a piece of PVC pipe that he can go into under the sand.
he is sooo cute!
My avatar is my flame tail blenny peeking out of his fav. rock. he came as a hitchhiker!
I am working on cleaning a 45 gal. that was given to me by someone who got out of the hobby, but the tank has not been used in 8 years. When I get it set up I wanted another blenny but not the same kind, I think I will try to find one like yours, I like it better than the bicolor!
Great pic. by the way! awesome color!


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Asterina starfish. Harmless but will sometimes become a bother in amount you may have. I suck them out at water change myself and there is always some in ther.
ill take them off ur hands. i like them. i only have like 2 and i see them like once or twice a month. =[


Active Member
Originally Posted by symphony
So I have this cute little white star shape (starfish?) but it looks like it's made out of tiny soap bubbles. comes out at night when I can find it.
it's smaller than a dime, and it moves very slowly into a hole in the rock when the lights come on. I do have a serpent and a brittle star. Any ideas? It has the shape of a star but moves like a slug it's very odd. any way here are a few pics, and a full tank shot, my tank is now 6 mo. old.

i love how Coraline algae is taking over ur rocks. my tank is about 3 months running and i dont have half of that. because im using PC's.
im super jealous of ur hammer coral

i have always wonted one that looks like urs but have not had enough money to buy it. i found a perfect one at a FS but it was priced at $130. i would have bought it if i had the money. even if it had cost me 250 i would have bought it if i had the money.


Originally Posted by Mr.clownfish
i love how Coraline algae is taking over ur rocks. my tank is about 3 months running and i dont have half of that. because im using PC's.
im super jealous of ur hammer coral

i have always wonted one that looks like urs but have not had enough money to buy it. i found a perfect one at a FS but it was priced at $130. i would have bought it if i had the money. even if it had cost me 250 i would have bought it if i had the money.
Thanks, I had a prob. with hair algae at first, I took some rock out and used a toothbrush and saltwater from my tank and got it off and rinsed it and underneith was the coraline, since then the hair algae is gone, the coraline has taken off like crazy.
My hammer I love, there is also a little bubble coral that does not show really well in the pic next to it. Got the hammer for 80 bucks from lfs, my clowns love it. I think my purple tip frogspawn that only has 2 heads costs 40-60, I can't remember but was not cheap for how little it is, but it is doing great as well.

coral head

Originally Posted by Mr.clownfish
i love how Coraline algae is taking over ur rocks. my tank is about 3 months running and i dont have half of that. because im using PC's.
im super jealous of ur hammer coral

i have always wonted one that looks like urs but have not had enough money to buy it. i found a perfect one at a FS but it was priced at $130. i would have bought it if i had the money. even if it had cost me 250 i would have bought it if i had the money.

You will have no problem growing corllline algae w/your PCs.
Keep your calcium level up to at least 410.


I would remove that small starfish, I had a few of those then they started multiplying like crazy. They started eating my coralline algae, and covering my live rocks.


Originally Posted by symphony
not sure what I'm gonna do yet, some say leave it some say take it out.
I have a bunch in my 54g...they don't bother anything...Leave them, and if you start to notice them taking over...take some out.