ID Help - I don't have a Photo


I have a little organism in my tank that looks like a brown disk with many arms coming off of it. Almost looks like a cross between an urchin and a starfish. The arms are too numerous for it to be a starfish and they are only coming off of the outer edge of the disc shaped body so I don't think it is an urchin. Maybe if someone has a photo of something similar they could post it. Thanks in advance for any help.


Active Member
Sounds like aiptasia to me. Obviously, if it is moving across your tank then it isn't, but if it stationary, then it's probably this pest anenome. Use the search engine to find some pictures of it.


No - It isn't aptaisia. I have aptasia too. This thing moves around the tank. It is about 1/4 to 3/8" diameter disc for a body. It comes out in the evening. I usually see it when I go in to turn off the lights.


Active Member
Is it soft or hard? I mean, can the tentacles/spines wrap around things? How does it move? with the tentacles or with a foot like a snail, or maybe with other smaller flexible sticky tentacles? If the tentacles are hard (since you don't know what it is I would recommend not touching it with your bare hand) then I can't think of anything besides an urchin, as some do have spines only on the edges of the shell. If the tentacles are soft and flexible then it could still be a number of things.


I am guessing the tentacles are hard. I didn't want to touch it without knowing what it was. The tentacles are not long and soft like an anenome. I guess maybe it could be an urchin.


No, this thing doesn't have arms. It is just a round disc-like body with a bunch of bristle-like tentacles coming off of it.


I need something to be ID for me too.
On my subtract (sand) I have these long brown worm-like strings coming out of the subtract. They wave along with the current and there are about 20 strings of these brown worms in a single spot. They don’t move around, they just stay there waving. They are about 2” – 3” long. I've never tried to move it or dig it out.
Any ideas ?


Bang Guy,
No, it has too many arms to be a starfish. At least I am pretty sure that starfish only have 5 arms. I have attached a crude drawing. It looks like it has a central body just like a starfish but it has multiple rows of somewhat triangular arms coming off of it. The arms only come off of the sides or should I say arms are on the same plane as the rest of the body like it is somewhat flat. It is dark brown to black. I didn't see it tonight or I would have tried to get a photo.
oops, forgot to attach my crappy drawing. check it out below.


I did look at his pick. Thanks for trying though. I guess I will just have to wait until I can get a photo. this thing has more than one row of arms. And the arms aren't very long.
Maybe it is a baby something.
Thanks for all the help from everyone.


Active Member
I saw tons of them when i dived in alaska...they were almost nuisance level.

i saw that one at the zoo in vancouver.


I guess it might be one of those. I have to get a pick the next time it shows itself. This thing is only about 1/4 to 1/2" across so it might be tough to get a decent pic with the camera I am using. Maybe I will be able to get a photo on here tomorrow.