Id Help!!

my way

Active Member
If i knew who it was I would. The photo album links to a fishing site. I'm trying to find out who's photo album the link goes to. So far my only way to do so is to ask the person who posted it. If it was your computer being hacked into you would be desperate to find out who and why.

my way

Active Member
And what if this person does'nt look elsewhere and find the post. My only link to finding out who's album this is, is through the original post here. Right now my priority is finding out how someone is accesssing my computer. if the shoe was on the other foot, you would want to know what is going on. If this person hacks into my fiancial accounts are you going to reimberse me my losses? I doub't it. I think my personal safety is more important than ID'ing a coral at this point. Sorry if you don't see it this way.

my way

Active Member
To the mod who deleted my posts. Do you realize I only have two outlets at this point to find out who is accessing my computer? One is the hosting site of the photo album, which I am waiting on a reply from, the other is tarponiser, as he put the link up. I have no other means to get to the bottom of this. I know I'm off topic on this, but I also feel this is more important than to ID a coral would'nt you agree?