ID, if you can...


Active Member
I tried to get an ID on this a while ago, but my camera was new and I didn't know how to use it very well. I think I have a pretty good picture of it now. My husband and I thought maybe a barnacle. I call him McGarnicle. It opens and closes at the crevis where the arrow is. It also shifts up and down in the little hollow in the rock. If I bang the table it will close and shift downward. Other than that it has never moved.
Any ideas?


Active Member
Its a non photosynthetic filter feeding tridacnid (clam) benificial. I cant think of the exact name off hand.


Active Member
really, you think it's a clam? wierd.
Oh yea, I for got to say he's about 1 1/2 " tall.


Active Member
yup, it closes if you try to touch it. I think I've seen antenas or stringy things come out of the tip, not long ones though. I try to look inside it, but it's at a funny angle.


Active Member
thats probably just the mantle. its definatly a bivalve of some sort, just another form of free filtration provided by mother nature.


All sorts of them come on live rock commonly. Some are pretty cool looking. I have a white scalloped shell kind in one of my tanks.


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
thats probably just the mantle. its definatly a bivalve of some sort, just another form of free filtration provided by mother nature.

yep this happens a lot. i think i have 2 or 3 just from lr. by the way, what is up with your avatar zoie


Active Member
I finally figured out how to change my avitar!! (Only took me a year) that's a picture of my wallaby, Quigley. Isn't he cute.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zoie2
I finally figured out how to change my avitar!! (Only took me a year) that's a picture of my wallaby, Quigley. Isn't he cute.
That's friggin' awesome!! Do you live "down under"?? I've always wanted to go to Austrailia, that's a really good name too,Quigley... HA-HA


Active Member
He came from Illinois, I live in Mass. There are only 2 states where they are "illeagal", MA and CA. Figures. You need a permit to have one in MA. But they are GREAT pets!! He's a sweetie.
Here he is at Haloween last year. He was Godzilla

This is him after Thanksgiving this year. We piged out then watched T.V.


How very cute, I live up here in Montana and one day I was in Wally World (WalMart) and a gal had a little baby one, so cute. I think she got it from someone in Texas.
And I have one of those turkey wings on my lr. I love it. I always check it to see if it is open or not. It is one of my favorite hitchikers so far. I also have a clam that opens and closes that came on a piece of rock I bought with a mushroom attached. It also is a neat hitchiker.


He came from Illinois, I live in Mass. There are only 2 states where they are "illeagal", MA and CA. Figures. You need a permit to have one in MA. But they are GREAT pets!! He's a sweetie.
Hey I live in Illinois ,I WANT ONE!!!!
, maybe Santa will bring me one? Those are awesome!!! I lol when I saw the Godzilla suit! :hilarious
, Thanks for sharing.


Active Member
They have a lot of farms in Texas that sell them. When I got Quigley he was only 2 lbs and I carried him in a pouch (0ver sized purse, really) every where I went. NO one knew there was a wallaby in there. As he got older he would kinda stick his nose out every now and then.
Now I have a pet stroller. He weighs 22 lbs. I take him to ***** and Petsmart often. Most people just think he's a dog or something, but every now and then you here "is that a kangaroo?" It's funny.