ID needed? Photo attached.


Active Member
Tough to call with just that pic. Get a better shot, maybe something in the pic for size comparison too.

dive girl

I'm not sure if it came on that rock. I was moving some rocks in one of my tanks and I saw it. It wasn't really stuck on well so I don't know if it came in on it or something else.
It is small about the size of my thumbnail. Any time I take the rocky out of the filter I've got it stuck in, it closes up. It doesn't pull back into a hole to hide like aptasia.
Here's a few more photos. The last photo shows it closing; it sure didn't like it's photo taken.


dive girl

Well, I was taking down my dwarf tank for a good cleaning; had some hair algae issues.
I also wanted to make a few adjustments to the tank. Moved all the ponies to a 10g and found this under some rocks when I was taking rocks out.
Weird thing was that when I had set that tank up I knew it was going to be dwarf seahorse specific, with only the dwarfs, a few snails and some mysid shrimp so I treated the tank with panacur. I last added a little panacur about 6 months ago.
Panacur is supposed to leach into rock and sand and probably everything else... interesting that this survived. I'm tempted to put a zoo in that tank to see how it does. I've thought about putting a gorgonian in that tank; but have read they don't do well with panacur.
So, I stuck all the rock that was in that tank in the freezer in case there was any other anemone-type critters on them that I didn't see.

dive girl

Hmmm. I don't know what to do with it now. It's not going into a seahorse tank, that's for sure. My reef tank has anemones. Maybe a seahorse tank refugium? One of my bigger horses, not the dwarfs.
It looks like some say they are pest anemones, some say no. They don't multiply like aptasia do they?


Active Member
I honestly don't know how fast they reproduce. That's interesting about the panacur. What was your dose? How big is your tank? How long ago did you dose it? When was the last time you added something this guy could have hiteched in on?


Originally Posted by Cranberry
I honestly don't know how fast they reproduce. That's interesting about the panacur. What was your dose? How big is your tank? How long ago did you dose it? When was the last time you added something this guy could have hiteched in on?
Got any questions


Active Member
You could put it in the tank with the other nems. Should not be a problem. They are pretty creatures however they do get large. Got a LFS that would take it for some store credit?

dive girl

I always have the oddest things in my tanks.
My dwarf tank is a 12g aquapod that I've made some changes to so that it would be dwarf friendy. When I first set up the tank, I did the complete panacur dosing (I can't remember the exact dosage but can look it up). I set the tank up almost 10 months ago. About 6 months a go I just added a small amount to the tank, I didn't see any hydroids but didn't want to. Basically I took a little panacur and mixed it with water in the palm of my hand and added it. Only a couple of granuals since it was a maintenance dose. Dan has mentioned that panacur can decrease the fry production of seahorses so I really didn't want much in the water, just enough to deal with what might be there. Ha!
After my bobbit worm episode (how is she anyway?) I had left some rock out in the bright sun for about a week and a half (when it was about 100F). This is the rock that I recently added. I don't know how this anemone could have come in on that.
I'm kind of surprised that it was in this tank because it just has PC lighting and like I said I've been having a hair algae issue so haven't been using the lights all that much. Perhaps it got enough food from the baby brine shrimp that were floating around.
The tank that has the anemones in it is only a 30g so there isn't room in that. I think I'll try the refugium where I can see and enjoy it or see about trading it in. It's pretty small.
Gotta love little things that can survive in harsh environments (which I consider a panacur tank to be to hydroids).


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by RoxanneJ
I think rock/flower anemone as well.
+2 .....I had rock anemones when I used PC lights...they don't seem to need as much light as the other types. They love brine shrimp, squirt a little right at it, it will open up and eat.

dive girl

Thanks for the replies. I'll have to think about what I want to do with it. New2Salt08- I'll let you know if I decide to give it away.