ID Please on 3 things


Was doing a water change and this black / white worm came out. Did a search on google and couldn't find anything on it.
This little pokey thing is next to my mag float and then those tentacles are coming out of my rock.



The tentacles could be mini brittle stars
the thing next to your PH..looks like a sponge (sycon or q-tip)
and I have NO CLUE on the last thing....LOL


Active Member
That's spahetti worms as far as tentacles go.
You also have a lot of Chaetoplerids in there... the little sand tube worms with 2 tentacles.
Tell me a bit more about th e3rd and 4th pic... how does it move?


#1, yes, long tentacles.. I have 3 or 4 in my tank and each have like 10 tentacles each.
The black/white worm just moved through the sand. It didn't slither like a snake side to side. It was almost like it had little feat under it because it would go under sand for 1 inch and then come right back up. It also almost got to some rock looked up (it has a black head / mouth) and then retracted back to the exact path it took and then went a different way. It would stretch out to about 4-6 inches and then when it retracted back it shrunk to about 2 inches.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
WHO?? LOL...I was talking about pic 1...
Whoops... quote feature fail fo rme. I was talking to you.
Those are spaghettis. You can follow the individual tentacles back to a common point. Then they seem to be tight to the rock, whereas brittles tend to be off. This part of the rock, at some point, was turned downward in the sand. All the critters I see on that part of the rock are substrate/bottom rock dwellers.


Originally Posted by Cranberry
Whoops... quote feature fail fo rme. I was talking to you.
Those are spaghettis. You can follow the individual tentacles back to a common point. Then they seem to be tight to the rock, whereas brittles tend to be off. This part of the rock, at some point, was turned downward in the sand. All the critters I see on that part of the rock are substrate/bottom rock dwellers.

I SEEEEEEE...thank you for the explanation :)