ID Please


I found this on my live rock. It is about the size of a dime and white. It was almost impossible to get a picture of as it is only viewable from the side of the tank through a hole then another hole in the rock. Sorry if the pic isn't that great.


It's a type of feather duster and they indicate a healthy tank. They're good to have. While small they will help filter your water. niceee.


Originally Posted by zanoshanox
Most definetly a dead coral polyp. Looks pretty small though, try to pull it out.
Why? Its just a peice of the rock now, I would just leave it.


Active Member
I just meant so that he/she could see that it was in fact a dead coral skeleton...It's not a problem in the tank i just meant it might be cool...


I know it was not a feather duster as I have a TON of those on my live rock and this does not have the tube and is always open 24/7, plus it is solid not feathery like the dusters. It is a shame it is dead it would have been cool to have a live coral with the rock!!!
There really isn't a way to take it out as I would have to pull apart all my rock... So as long as it is not hurting anything I guess it can stay!
Thanks a bunch!