ID Please


Ok, I have two things I need help identifying. The first thing is a red slime that is covering my rocks. It is soft and slimy. Picture 2 is some sort of filter feeder.



Is red slime algae a bad thing? Should I remove it? Also, the last picture is (I believe) some sort of polyp. It has a stalk and is growing out of a hole of my live rock. I am not saying it isn't an anenome, I don't know. Thanks for the info.


I wasn't sure, it is about the size of a half dollar, but closely resembles zoos. I just wasn't sure because it is so big. It was a hitchhiker on the LR. It just grew out of the inside of the rock. It has been growing for about 2 1/2 years.


Why is it bad? Because it will cover everything? I can scrub it off pretty easily, and it is only on one rock for now.


The 2nd pic looks like sponges. They are normal and won't cause any problems.
As for the third pic, I would call that a button polyp (Protopalythoa sp.) I have a couple that came on my rock also. Here is a pic of one under actnic lighting.
Hope that helps.


Thanks for the info. I believe that is what it is. Some sort of button polyp. Thanks.
By the way, nice pic.


Active Member
the first is cyano bactera (aka, red slime algae). It doesnt do too much except use oxygen levels. there are many causese for it, but the most important is high nutrient levels, especialy phosphates and such. You can lower your nutrient levels, add a protein skimmer, feed less, make sure your bulbs arent TOO old, and make sure your tank ist overstocked to help to get rid of it. it uses up nutrients in your tank. Which means your tank cannot handle all the bioload. more proof of such a thing is:
#2. a q-tip spounge. Just feed on excess nutrients and organics. to get rid of the two above, more regular water changes might help. or if you aalready are, then lowing the nutrients in your system by not overfeeding or selling a few fish.
#3 . yup. a large button polyp. looks like a protopalythoa


Active Member
Originally Posted by grzy
Ok, thanks, that helps. Thanks.
i lveo finding new stuff in my tank. but i havent gotten lr in a while so i havent found anythign in a long time
well.... i like everything except those monti-eating nudis


Sorry i have afunky lookin brown anenome in mine all by himself that i don't know what kind it is. As for the red slime lots of people get it and it can be cured. Read up on it and you will learn alot chemi clean seems to be very popular around here i have never used it but know friends that have it has never hurt anything the tank looks stressed for a day then seems to be fine and the red slime is gone. I also have sponges pop out of nowhere but thats fine your tank is healthy. :happyfish