ID Please


Hello all, I was wondering if anyone out there would be able to help me ID some Corals/Plants that I just got on a piece of live rock. It looks like besides the Daisy Polyps, I have like three other things growing.
I purchased this frag from my LFS a week ago for the Daisy Polyps on it, but over the course of the week as things opened up in my tank I noticed to other types of things growing. Sorry for the picture quality, but I will try to get some others posted with better views. The 500 x 500 size restriction really makes things harder.
If anyone can help I would appreciate it. :help:
Thanks again.



Well, at the risk of sounding ignorant, The only thing on there that I can personally identify would be the daisy polyps. So, if you can identify the grassy looking stuff, the "leafy" stuff, and the "bubble" looking thing I would be happy with that.
SOrry to be so vague, but I am very excited to find out what I have so that I can care for it properly.
Thanks again


the green stuff looks like a type of macro alage like calupera, halmidia *?SP*, and or cheato. all which help the tank but need to watch carefully so the dont take over. they can be envasive and grow quickly some species can go sexual wich can lead to a lot of problems realeaseing alot of junk into the tank. they need to be pruned and cleaned out regularly to keep in check. kinda like mowing the yard..
the other looks like a mushroom or small BTA I cant really tell. does it have a base on it or always flat on the rock.
as far as lighting it depends on what the ID is on the bubble thing is wether you have enough lighting and filtration so telling us some about your tank and lighting will help out a lot.


Thanks Mike,
It kind of thought it looked like a BTA, but wasnt sure as it is still pretty small. I will check the base on it to see and get back to you.
As for lighting, I should be ok. I have Compact PC lighting. My fixture is 432 watts total and my tank is 80 gallons. I have other soft corals that are doing great. I have some pumping Xenias that are taking off and thriving as well as some, Blue Mushrooms, Green Star polyps, and Yellow Polyps that are doing well too. So, lighting should be ok. And as for water flow I have approx 15x water flow in my tank. As for filtration I have a hang on filter (whisper 60), and a Remora Pro Skimmer, as well as about 100lbs of live rock, and 90 lbs of live sand.
Also, you might be right about the cheato. I've heard that stuff grows fast and this stuff on the rock has really taken off over the course of just a week.
Thanks again for replying. I'll try and post better pics.

bang guy

The bubble-thing looks like some kind of LPS to me. Can you tell if it has a skeleton at it's base?
The grassy stuff looks like Bryopsis to me. This can be a problem type of algae but it usually just sits around in the same area.
The leafy stuff with the little round flat protuberances is Caulerpa racemosa peltata. This can grow several inches a day once it gets going. Trim it throughly often or it will take over the tank.


I really do appreciate the help.
Bang Guy, I will check and see if it has a skeleton at its base. I dont recall seeing one as it sits pretty flat on the rock. But, I'll check it out and get back to everyone.
In one of the previous replies someone mentioned that some of these things have to be kept in check or they will "go sexual" What does that mean?


yeah after looking at it again it doesnt even come close to a BTA I dont know what I was thinking. LOL


some macro algae like calupera absorb nitrates and other items in the tank to use in repdoduction when it goes sexualy all of this is realeased all at once back into the tank causein it to become cloudy and your readings to go wild!!


Hey no problem, I still very much appreciate the replies. Its weird to the

eye you cant see the different colored tips on it. I noticed them when I posted the pics.
BTW...what did you mean about some of these things going sexual?


some macro algae like calupera absorb nitrates and other items in the tank to use in repdoduction when it goes sexualy all of this is realeased all at once back into the tank causein it to become cloudy and your readings to go wild!!


WOW...thanks for the tip.
If I keep pruning it and keeping it isolated to that rock, would that minimize this effect?
Also, I looked at the still yet to be id'd bubble thing and I can't see any base to it. It seems to be attached to the rock....and I just noticed a second one on the same rock farther down from the first. So, what ever it is, I have two now.


its kinda like mowing the yard after the grall get so big it throws off seed heads the macro algae does the same thing. keep it in check will help most people isolate it to a seperate tank to keep this from taking over the main tank.


Hey all,
Upon further review, I'm not sure that the "bubble" thing is completely flat onto the rock. I does seem a little raised up but I cant see if its some sort of skeleton or what its on. Just an FYI


Active Member
Originally Posted by cofishguy
Hey all,
Upon further review, I'm not sure that the "bubble" thing is completely flat onto the rock. I does seem a little raised up but I cant see if its some sort of skeleton or what its on. Just an FYI
Does it retract at night?


Yeah Im pretty sure the green stuff is Calupera, but the "bubble" things is still unidentified. I does retract at night, so its some kind of coral, just not sure what just yet.