ID Please


Hey all, I have something in my qt that I need an ID on. I have a pair of Maroon clowns and two Mexican turbo snails in there. It is a 15 long, all specs are on. This looks like the end of a Q-tip stuck into my sponge filter, but where the cotton would be is clear and has bubbles in it. Is this snail eggs? There was nothing there, then this was there, complete with stalk. If you need more info then let me know. Thanks!


Originally Posted by Keri
Q-tip sponge?
I have many of them, tonnes in the filter.
This Qt has been set up for a long time. It just appeared a few days ago, the maroons and snails have been in for exactly a week , today. I don't think a sponge just formed, but I don't know much about sponges.


Active Member
I say give it some time, if more pop up, then it's definitely a scypha sponge. But it doesn't look like any I've had/seen.


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
I say give it some time, if more pop up, then it's definitely a scypha sponge. But it doesn't look like any I've had/seen.
I honestly don't think it is a sponge. It is a QT tank. Where would it come from? Sponges don't just form do they? I do have one piece of LR in there. That rock had all kinds of squiggly things on it. I assumed were dead worms, or something, they now all have crowns coming out of them. They (the crowns) are all white, but the tubes are all brownish. They used to be tan, and flush on the rock. Since I put that rock in the QT, the tubes started moving away from the rock and these crowns started coming. I still don't think that they are dusters though. They are stalk white. No color at all. I thought they were the remains of old dusters. This tank is not new. The newest rock is well over a year old. Again, all of this is in the Qt.


Active Member
I added one piece of LR as well to one of my QT's. Granted it was from my established 29's fuge, but there were worms and life crawling around in just a couple of days.
I would agree though, as I don't think it's a scypha either. Not with the air bubbles in there.


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
I added one piece of LR as well to one of my QT's. Granted it was from my established 29's fuge, but there were worms and life crawling around in just a couple of days.
I would agree though, as I don't think it's a scypha either. Not with the air bubbles in there.
I have added LR to the QT before, but not this particular piece. The clowns are doing great. I added this rock to re-cycle the Qt. It had been down the entire winter. I don't buy fish often. I only planned on buying the snails, which is why I cycled the qt ahead of time. I found a pair of maroons that were "imperfect", for cheap. They had some nips on their fins. Not an issue for me to treat. I really want to know what this is though, and how it got there.


Active Member
sepulatian, any chance you could post a few more photos - different angles, etc? I can't really see it in detail.


Originally Posted by ophiura
Rotting piece of food?

Definitely need more pics :p
Actually, when I first saw it, that is what I was wondering. Would it look like that? The clowns are very small still and it is entirely possible that they missed a piece. It is right under the intake for the power head though and no other food is on the bottom. I would think that the food would have been sucked to the intake cover. I feed them small amounts of frozen. After I feed the display, they get the small pieces left in the cup. I will try to get a few more shots of this. Thanks!


Alright, this is about as good as I can do. This camera cannot take real close and detailed pictures. There is one from the front and one from the side of the tank.



Active Member
Given that this will most likely have zero impact on my own personal ID: Is it actually standing independent from the glass or am I seeing things?


Originally Posted by GRabbitt
Given that this will most likely have zero impact on my own personal ID: Is it actually standing independent from the glass or am I seeing things?
It has a stalk that comes out of my sponge filter. It is not touching the glass.