id please


I am getting some free invertebrates from the local university here in town. Me being the novice, thought they were feather dusters. But now that I think about it, they aren't, from what I can tell.
They have the same look as a feather duster, but the "arms" are not feathery but cylindrical and rounded at the ends.
Can anyone tell me what they are? Let me know if I need to give more info.


The tentacles look like that except it has a "trunk" (excuse my non-technical language) like a feather duster.


I have been searching the web for pictures and I think it may be a tube anemone or a condy and I am leaning towards a condy.
Can anyone tell me about condys? I have read they are aggressive. Are they good to have in your tank?
The tank at the univ. has a ton of them and they are reproducing like mad.
Thanks for any info!


I think it is a condy. You can almost see through the trunk on it. You can see it digesting the food it eats. It looks like a feather duster in shape only. The tentacles are thicker than the aiptasia as well, now that I think about it.
Can any types of clownfishes make a condy their home?

bang guy


Originally posted by glinton
The tank at the univ. has a ton of them and they are reproducing like mad.
Thanks for any info!

I'm 100% convinced you are talking about Aiptasia. They may become a pest if you introduce them into your tank. I would advise you pass on the critter. Some Species of Aiptasia reproduce fairly slowly. If the tank at the 'U' has a bunch then it's probably a specie that reproduces quickly. I have experimented with some that can each reproduce 100X a week. Here's a pic of one of the prolific Purple Aiptasia that's about to be consumed by a Berghia Nudibranch:

bang guy


Originally posted by mmmmsushi
and by the way, how big is that aptasia?

"Monstro" is now 3" across the oral disk. If you look closely I swaer you can see teeth! (Just Kidding). The Peppermints won't eat him but I'm thinking of feeding him a Kalk Cocktail. He's big enough now to eat a fish... hmmm guess it's getting to be that time.