ID Please


I have lots of books to look through, but I have had the best information reading your comments and experience!! Thanks!!
What is it?? A Nudi?? It's on my glass, looks like a slug, he was living on my caulerpa. It's approx 1.5", green, antenna's, a spiney small shell - Can I keep him??? He's sort of cool looking so I figure he/she will be a no - no for a reef tank..............

bang guy

I need to see the other side, but I think it's a Bubble Snail. If that's what it is it will probably eat Caulerpa but should be reef safe. Good find IMO :)


This little creature is a Reticulated Sea Slug - Oxynoe antillarum - Order: Sea Slug - Feeds on Caulerpa racemose blending in with the grapes!! Good news because I get to keep the cute critter!! Thanks for the hint of a bubble snail,
Information found in Reef Creature Identification Book under mollusks.