ID Please

reef fool

Active Member
I posted this a while back, Need an updated opinion or two
now that I have a better camera and therefore a better picture, I was wondering if this is a type of aptaisia. These were confined to a rock in my refugium, now that the colerpa is getting thick around the rock, they are moving around the refuge and I don't think I want them in the display tank.


I don't believe they are apta. Apta. usually have really long transparent stalks.
If they where apta. in your sump you would have double that amount in about a month.
Looking again I'm almost positive they are not aptaisia. I looked in my sump and yours look nuttin' like mine.


Look kinda cool actually. Wonder how they would fair being shipped to washington state?


I have some of them also. Came on the rock my kenya tree coral was on. They are growing fast. Mine don't move around , they did spred to the main rock in the tank but only 1 so far.

reef fool

Active Member
Ours came from the same LFS. Ed said they were just some kind of anenome. I just want to make sure they are not bad like aptaisia. Mine are, for now, confined to my refuge. Be careful w/ them in your display.


I have it in my tank as well. It is a plant, I am not sure what the name is. It is preatty but can grow extremely fast. I recently changed my bulbs and the growth slowed down which leads me to believe it is some thing that grows faster in a bad light spectrum.


Active Member
I agree with Bang Guy. I think it's a type of Majano. It looks physicaly just like it it, just has different coloring. I hope it doesn't become the pest majano becomes in some peoples aquariums. If it is majano, in that color it looks alot better than the brown it usually comes in.



Originally posted by reef fool
Ours came from the same LFS. Ed said they were just some kind of anenome. I just want to make sure they are not bad like aptaisia. Mine are, for now, confined to my refuge. Be careful w/ them in your display.

If they are aptasia - or something that spreads like aptasia, I'm not sure that the fuge will contain them. They'll find a way to get back in the tank.

reef fool

Active Member
Thanks for the replies.
Isn't aptaisia a type of majano also?
I just want to make sure that they will not become a problem in my refugium. Or even worse, spread to my display! I have no problem nuking them or, even better, giving them to smeone who wants them if they are bad. If they are of no harm, then live and let live.