Its a flatworm. They are not harmfull to anything. They are photosynthetic and each algae. BUT if you have corals they like to collect on their shells like the lps and soft corals. They will reproduce prolifically in bright light AND low current areas. I would not worry about him unless you start seeing 10's or 100's
Amphiscolops sp. aka White Flatworm.
These are not that prolific and they eat small bugs like copepods. They are not photosynthetic. I see no reason to remove it.
Originally posted by SoupySteve
does it swim - or is it anchored? I have seen something similar in my tank - swam at first, now hides in small holes in my LR
It was swiming or just moving agains the glass... now i do not know where it is.
Thanks for the answer!!
Sorry should have said some are photosynthetic. I knew that The can detatch from their surface and drift about. I guess they can wiggle and try and direct their swimming but i don't think its very effective thus why they need low flow conditions.